1. "Fight TB: Together we can end the epidemic!"
2. "Don't let TB steal our future! Get tested and treated."
3. "World TB Day 2024: Uniting to eliminate tuberculosis."
4. "Break the chain of infection, stop TB transmission!"
5. "TB is curable: Spread awareness, save lives!"
6. "Step forward and take action against tuberculosis."
7. "2024: A year for TB eradication – join the movement!"
8. "TB knows no boundaries – let's work globally to end it."
9. "Screen, Treat, Cure – the winning formula against TB."
10. "No more excuses, let's end TB!"结核病宣传日
11. "TB-free future: It starts with you."
12. "Join the fight, become a TB warrior!"
13. "Raise your voice, raise awareness – World TB Day 2024."
14. "Together we can make tuberculosis history!"
15. "TB doesn't discriminate, neither should we – fight for equality in healthcare."
16. "We are stronger than TB – unite for a TB-free world."
17. "Empower communities, stop the spread of tuberculosis."
18. "Invest in TB prevention and control, invest in a healthier future."
19. "Lend a hand to end TB – support those affected by tuberculosis."
20. "2024: A turning point in the fight against TB – let's make it count!"