学员编号:                                                        年    级:                                                  课 时 数:
学员姓名:                                                    辅导科目:                                                学科教师:
An unforgettable experience
第一部分:总起,概述一件与父母有关的令自己印象深刻的事。(choose one activity)
第二部分:详细描述这件让自己印象深刻的事。(what impressed you most)
时间(when)、地点(where)、人物(who)、事件(what)、原因(why)描写人物的英语作文、结果 (how)
When --- when did the story happen?
Where--- where did the story take place?
What--- What happened?
Who--- who was the character of the story?
Why--- why did the story happen?
How--- what was the result of the story?
第三部分: 总结全文同时表明主题以及自己的心得体会。(what you learn from this activity)
Life resembles a packet of chocolate which has a variety of flavors, when it comes to one of the most impressive things in my life, it suddenly occurred to me that the first time I have learned how to ride a bicycle.
As is known to all, parents are our first teacher. When I was 6 years old, I wanted to learn how to ride a bicycle. I told my thoughts to my parents and they encouraged me to do so. After a few days, they bought me a bicycle. How exciting it is.
      But things didn’t go as smoothly as it was expected. I failed many times. Looking at the injuries on my legs, I cried sadly.
      They didn’t say many words and just comforted me and gave me a lot of courage. It was they who helped me regain my confidence. Finally, I managed to ride the bicycle.
      Although ten years have passed, it still makes me feel unforgettable. What I can learn from it is that practice makes perfect. As long as we persist in doing one thing, nothing is impossible.
Life resembles a packet of chocolate which has a variety of flavors, when it comes to one of the most impressive things in my life, it suddenly occurred to me that……
文章开头很出彩,以一个含有定语从句的比喻开始,又采用了when it (当提及)以及 it suddenly occurred to sb. that… (某人突然想到…) 的句型
积累:it suddenly occurred to sb. that
      =  it struck me that…
But things didn’t go as smoothly as it was expected.
Looking at the injuries on my legs, I cried sadly.
It was they who helped me regain my confidence.
What I can learn from it is that practice makes perfect.
As long as we persist in doing one thing, nothing is impossible.
Other Useful expressions: (翻译训练)
Life resembles a packet of chocolate which has a variety of flavors, when it comes to one of the most impressive things in my life, it suddenly occurred to me that                          (什么事件) when  I                     (事件发生的时间) in/on/at                   .(事件发生的地点)
                    . (事件发生的过程) Finally/ At last/ In the end, I managed to / succeed in                         .(事件的结果)
Time flies! Although many years have passed, it still makes me feel unforgettable. What I can learn from/ benefit from it is that                     (谈谈自己的心得体会)
Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
成长道路上难免遇到来自同伴的压力(peer pressure)。同伴压力可能给我们带来积极或者消极的影响。请结合自己生活中的一个具体事例谈谈你的体会。
In our daily life, we inevitably confront with peer pressure.                                                                 (…的生动回忆如潮水般涌来) I joined the drama club in my first year at high school.
As a green hand, I was totally ignorant of how to act. However, other members of the club are skillful who have some sort of acting experience before. Therefore, I was quite frustrated.                                                     ,(当听到其他人自然说话专注表演的时候 / 非谓语表达) I felt too nervous to utter a word. But my self-esteem didn't allow me to give up.                                                         (受到同伴优异表现的压力 / 非谓语表达), I was motivated to practice harder. I gradually overcame my shyness and drew lessons from others’ performance. As a result, I witnessed my skills improved and eventually become a capable performer as my peers were.
                                      (我明白了 / it 做形式主语的句型) peer pressure isn't necessarily something to be afraid of. Our peers act as mirrors,                                                           .(反应出我们的不足并且帮助我们做出判断或改进 / 非谓语做伴随状语) Without these, competitors,                                                                 (我们很有可能陷入错觉/ 同位语从句) there is no room for improvement and sit still in our comfort zones.                                                                 .(正是我们的同伴不断提醒我们受到鼓舞)
In conclusion, I maintain that peer pressure                                               (扮演着不可或缺的地位)for us to achieve personal growth. It is imperative of us to foster positive attitude towards it and employ it as a motivation on our voyage of life.
学校计划举行英语作文竞赛,主题为“We need Advice from Older Generations”。
    1、 当时面临的困难或问题是什么?
    2、 你获得的指教是什么?
    3、 结果如何?
No one can deal with every problem they meet with on their own. We need advice from others from time to time, especially the advice from our older generations.
Take myself as an example. When I was in Senior Two, I had to decide whether to major in arts or science. As a student in a class which specializes in maths. I’m good at physics. However, my best friend Lily chose geography as her major, and she persuaded me to choose geography, too.
My father advised me to make a choice according to my interest, regardless of other’s thoughts. Besides, he encouraged me to talk with Lily frankly, presenting my real thoughts. I did so. I chose physics as my major in the end. Most importantly, Lily understood me and agreed to respect my final choice.
To sum up, advice from older generations is important when we are in trouble. After all, older generations have rich experience, thus enabling them to make sensible judgments. Go to your older generations for advice, and they will not disappoint you.
1.                                                                                                                      .
2.                                                                                                                      .
3.                                                                                                                      .
4.                                                                                                                      .
5.                                                                                                                      .
Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
In junior one, I failed to pass the mid-term examination, unexpectedly, which is a meaningful failure to me.
The experience of the failure is still fresh in memory. So depressed was I at that time that I ever wanted to give up. My class teacher went to extend her helping hands to me, pulling me back from the edge of despair. Fortunately, she did her utmost to tell me to be full of confidence and coached me in my academic performances heart and soul, which was greatly conducive to cheering me up.
Gradually, I began to keep up my courage with the help of my class teacher and make progress in my study. Hopefully, I found my confidence back.
By and large, I draw a lesson from that failure that when confronted with setbacks in our life, we should keep going on instead of giving up, which I think will add a brilliant touch to our future and guide us through all ups and downs all through our life.
Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
俗话说 “万事开头难” 。(All things are difficult before they are easy.) 你是否同意这一说法?请用英语写一篇短文,内容包括:
    1. 你对这句俗语的理解;
    2. 结合生活中一个具体事例加以说明。
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