1.be full of joy充满欢乐
2.with a light heart 心情放松
3.a mixture of excitement and happiness 既兴奋又开心
5.be down in spirits 情绪低落
6.feel hungry and exhausted感觉又饿又累
7.with tears in his eyes 眼里含着泪水
8.be seized with sadness 感觉很悲伤
9.fall into despair陷入绝望
10.with a heavy heart怀着沉重的心情
11.feel shocked and ashamed 感觉震惊并羞愧
12.His heart leaped with joy.他的心欢喜得怦怦直跳。
13.Tears of happiness flowed down.流下幸福的泪水。
14.I saw her eyes well up with tears.我看见她泪如泉涌。
15.He stamped his feet in anger.他气得跺脚。
16.The crowd cheered and shouted happily.人们欢呼着,高兴地
17.All of a sudden,the sadness on his face was wiped out.突然,他脸上的悲伤消失了。
18.She felt within herself a sense of joy and happiness surging through her.她内心深处洋溢着喜悦和幸福。
19.His dark eyes danced with pride,love and excitement.他黑的眼睛闪动着骄傲、爱和兴奋。
20.Hearing this,I felt very shocked and puzzled.听到这话,我感到非常震惊和迷惑。
21.Although I was tired and in bad mood,I also felt warm and happy.尽管我疲惫且心情不好,但是我依然感受到了温暖和幸福。
22.All the frustration and stress that had been building up inside of me came to a complete stop.所有在我体内堆积起来的沮丧和压力都烟消云散了。
1.be optimistic and ambitious 乐观并且有抱负
2.a strong minded person 一个意志坚定的人
3.lovely and good-natured personality 温和可爱的个性
4.a well-built man一个身材魁梧的人
5.have a good figure 体型好
6.a dark figure in the moonlight月光下有个模糊的人影
7.wear shoulder-length hair 留着齐肩发
8.a girl in her early twenties 一个20岁出头的姑娘
9.tie in a pony tail 扎了个马尾辫
10.a weather-worn face 一张饱经风霜的脸
11.a quiet gracious lady 一位娴静有礼的淑女
12.an accomplished young lady 一位年轻的才女
13.be equipped with a keen insight 具有敏锐的洞察力
14.But he was kind and considerate.但是他善良体贴。
15.Her lovely face looked pale.她可爱的面庞看上去苍白。
16.He is with high cheek-bones and a sunken nose.他颧骨高耸,鼻梁塌陷。
17.Once I set a goal,I will make great efforts to realize it.一旦设定了目标,我就会竭尽全力去实现它。
18.He sat in front of them,his dusty face masking his age.他坐在他们前面,满面尘埃掩盖了他的年龄。
描写人物的英语作文19.He is a man with great determination,of whom the perseverance is occasionally unimaginable.他是一个意志坚强的人,有些时候他的毅力是你没法想象的。
20.Her husband was such a kind-hearted and considerate man that he hid the truth for his whole life.她丈夫是一个这么善良且体贴的人,以至于把真相隐瞒了一生。