    英文回答,The girl has long, flowing chestnut hair that cascades down her back. Her almond-shaped eyes are a deep shade of brown, with long eyelashes that frame them perfectly. She has a button nose and full, pink lips that are always curled into a warm smile. Her skin is smooth and sun-kissed, with a sprinkling of freckles across her cheeks. She has a slender, graceful figure and always carries herself with poise and elegance.
外貌描写片段    中文回答,这个女孩有着长长的栗头发,它们顺着她的背部倾泻而下。她的眼睛呈杏仁形,深褐,长长的睫毛完美地勾勒出她的眼睛。她有一个小巧的鼻子,饱满的粉红嘴唇总是挂着温暖的微笑。她的皮肤光滑而晒黑,脸颊上还有一些雀斑。她身材修长,优雅迷人,总是举止得体,充满优雅。