    1. When I saw my classmate, I immediately noticed her braces. They were bright pink and covered her top teeth. They made her smile look a little funny, but it was also kind of cute.
    2. My classmate's braces were metal and had small, colored bands on them. She said they hurt a little when she first got them, but now she's used to them.
    3. I asked my classmate if braces make it hard to eat. She said it can be a little difficult to eat certain foods, like corn on the cob or apples. But she's found ways to work around it.外貌描写片段
    4. I think my classmate's braces are cool. They make her smile unique and give her a bit of personality.
    5. I'm not sure if I would ever get braces myself. But if I did, I would definitely want to get pink ones like my classmate's.
    1. 当我看到我的同学时,我立刻注意到了她的牙套。它们是亮粉的,覆盖着她的上牙。它们让她的笑容看起来有点滑稽,但也挺可爱的。
    2. 我同学的牙套是金属的,上面有小彩条。她说刚戴上时有点疼,但现在已经习惯了。
    3. 我问我的同学牙套是否会让她吃饭困难。她说吃某些食物确实有点困难,比如玉米棒或苹果。但她已经到了一些变通的方法。
    4. 我觉得我同学的牙套很酷。它们让她笑容独一无二,增添了几分个性。
    5. 我不确定我是否会自己戴牙套。但如果我戴的话,我肯定会想戴像我同学那样的粉红牙套。