    Autumn is a season that always brings back memories for me. The crisp air, the colorful leaves, and the smell of pumpkin spice all remind me of the good times I've had in the past. One of the things I miss the most about autumn is going for long walks in the park and kicking up the fallen leaves. It's such a simple pleasure, but it always brings a smile to my face.
关于秋的作文    秋天是一个让我怀念的季节。清新的空气,五彩缤纷的落叶,还有南瓜香料味道总是让我想起过去的美好时光。我最怀念的事情之一就是在秋天去公园散步,踢起落叶。这是一种简单的快乐,但总能让我微笑。