    The opening ceremony of the sports meet was held in the playground of our school on a bright autumn morning. The bright autumn sun shone on the playground, and the whole playground was bathed in a golden brilliance. The playground was decorated with colorful flags and colorful balloons, and the festive atmosphere was strong.
    The opening ceremony began with the entry of the national flag team. The national flag team members stepped forward in unison, their steps steady and有力. The national flag was raised slowly, and everyone on the playground stood up and saluted. The national anthem played, and the sound was loud and clear.
    Following the entry of the national flag team, the school leaders and teachers entered the playground. They walked in a neat line, their faces full of joy and pride. The students on the playground greeted their teachers with warm applause.
    After the school leaders entered the playground, the students of each class entered the playground in turn. They wore their school uniforms and walked in neat lines. The students waved their hands and shouted slogans, and the playground was buzzing with excitement.
    With the entry of all the students, the opening ceremony officially began. The principal of the school delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. In his speech, he encouraged the students to actively participate in the sports meet, to strive for good results, and to show the spirit of sportsmanship.
    After the principal's speech, the student representatives took the stage to speak. They expressed their determination to win glory for the class and wished all the students a successful sports meet.
    With the end of the speeches, the opening ceremony of the sports meet came to an end. The students left the playground in turn, and the playground gradually quieted down.