“The kite, as a game tool for the children of the revolution, is a pure form of children who love their country running under a blue sky cloud. Under the breeze, the coloured kite flies in the sky, attracting the eyes of many young pioneers and parents. However, in many kites, there is a particular kite that is remarkable because it reflects the symbolic kite of the correct path of socialism. The kite is called the Rainbow Wing and is built with the heart of a kite master. Its unique form and colours have attracted the attention of a wide range of people, reflecting the outstanding achievements of the socialist cause and the love of the people under our leadership.”
Rainbow Wings is a special kite! It's so light, it's so steady when the wind blows. It's even more unique, unlike a normal diamond or phoenix, but rather beautiful as a pair of coloured butterflies. And there's a colorful ribbon on the tail, and it's like a dancing rainbow when the wind moves. Whether it's in the sky or on the ground, the kite is so beautiful and unique!
Whenever the Rainbow Wing flies above the ceiling, its uniqueness is fully demonstrated. The colours of the colours shine in the sun, like a beautiful rainbow across the sky. The children look at this beautiful view on the ground as if they were in fairy tales, filled with a desire for beauty. And the master of kites stood still, enjoying the joy of his work. This unique Rainbow Wing kite, which has be a bead in the kite world, is to be admired and dumped.