    英文回答, "Mother's Back" is a famous Chinese poem written by Chinese poet, Bei Dao. The poem describes the poet's mother's back as she walks away, and the emotions and memories it evokes in the poet. The poet's mother's back symbolizes strength, sacrifice, and love, and the poem captures the bittersweet feeling of longing and gratitude.
    The poem begins with the poet describing his mother's back as she walks away, and how it reminds him of a distant mountain. The image of the mountain conveys a sense of strength and stability, reflecting the mother's role as a pillar of support in the poet's life. The poet also reflects on the sacrifices his mother has made for him, and how her back bears the weight of her burdens and responsibilities.
    As the poem progresses, the poet's emotions become more poignant, as he recalls memories of his childhood and the tenderness of his mother's touch. He longs to reach out and hold her, but she remains out of reach, walking further away. The poet's longing for his mother's presence is palpable, and he yearns for the comfort and security she represents.
    In the final stanza, the poet reflects on the passage of time and the inevitability of separation. He acknowledges that his mother's back will eventually disappear from his sight, but her love and influence will always remain with him. The poem ends with a sense of gratitude and reverence for the poet's mother, and a deep appreciation for her enduring love and guidance.赞颂母亲的诗