    The Book of Odes, an ancient Chinese anthology of poetry, holds a profound significance for mothers throughout the ages. Its verses, steeped in rich symbolism and timeless sentiments, resonate deeply with the love, sacrifice, and unwavering bond between a mother and her child.
    The Book of Odes is a collection of 305 poems, believed to have been compiled around the 6th century BCE. The poems cover a wide range of themes, including love, war, nature, and the changing seasons. However, it is the poems dedicated to mothers that truly capture the essence of this timeless work.
    One such poem, titled "Guanju," is a poignant tribute to the unwavering love of a mother. The poem compares a mother's love to the gentle flow of a river, ever-present and sustaining. The poet writes:
    "Guanju has two parts,。
    A gentle and beautiful plant.
    My mother's heart is gentle,。
    She cares for me even when I am away."
    Another poem, titled "Xiao Xing," celebrates the joys of motherhood. The poet writes:
    "Little star, little star,。
    How I love to watch you shine.
    You bring me so much joy,。
    And I am so proud to call you mine."
    The Book of Odes not only expresses the love and bond between a mother and her child but also offers profound insights into the role of mothers in society. In a poem titled "Qi Fen
g," the poet writes:
    "The mother is the root of the family,。
    And the children are the branches.
    When the root is strong, the branches will flourish."
    This verse underscores the importance of mothers in nurturing and supporting their children's growth and well-being. The Book of Odes thus serves as a timeless testament to the enduring power of a mother's love and the vital role she plays in the tapestry of life.
    诗经收录了 305 首诗,据信编纂于公元前 6 世纪左右。这些诗涵盖了广泛的主题,包括爱情、战争、自然和四季的变化。然而,真正捕捉到这部永恒作品精髓的,是那些献给母亲的诗。