During the winter break, my family and I went to my grandparents’ house in the countryside. 寒假期间,我的家人和我去了农村的祖父母家。
We spent most of our time indoors due to the cold weather. 由于天气寒冷,我们大部分时间都呆在室内。
One of the highlights of our stay was when we celebrated Chinese New Year with a traditional fireworks display. 在我们祖父母家庆祝中国新年的时候,传统的烟花表演是我们逗留的一大亮点。
The night was filled with colorful explosions and loud pops that lit up the sky. 那个晚上,充满了五彩斑斓的爆炸声和震耳欲聋的声响,照亮了整个夜空。
I remember feeling a sense of awe and wonder as I watched the fireworks light up the darkness. 我记得当我看着烟花点亮黑暗的时候,我有一种敬畏和惊奇之感。
寒假记事As each firework burst into the sky, it felt like a celebration of new beginnings and a fresh start for the coming year. 每一发烟花在天空中爆炸时,都感觉像是对新的开始和即将到来的一年的庆祝。
The sound of the firecrackers echoed through the village, signaling the start of Chinese New Year festivities. 鞭炮声在村庄中回荡,标志着中国新年的庆祝开始了。
I could feel the excitement and joy in the air as families gathered together to watch the fireworks. 我可以感觉到空气中充满了兴奋和喜悦,家庭聚在一起观看烟花。
The warmth of being surrounded by loved ones and the beauty of the fireworks made the moment truly magical. 被亲人们包围的温暖和烟花的美丽让这一刻变得真正神奇。
As the night went on, we sat around a bonfire, enjoying the warmth and sharing stories with each other. 随着夜的深沉,我们围绕着篝火坐下,享受着温暖,彼此分享着故事。
It was a time of connection and bonding that brought us closer together as a family. 这是一个连接和结合的时刻,让我们作为一个家庭更加亲密团结。
The memories of that night and the fireworks display will always hold a special place in my heart. 那个夜晚和烟花的回忆将永远在我心中占据一席之地。