April Fool s Day
Mackenzie put a whoopie cushion
on the teacher s chair.
Makayla told the teacher
that a bug was in her hair.
Alyssa brought an apple
with a purple gummy worm
and gave it to the teacher
just to see if she would squirm.
Elijah left a piece of plastic
dog doo on the floor,
and Vincent put some plastic vomit
in the teacher s drawer.
Amanda put a goldfish
in the teacher s drinking glass.
These April Fool s Day pranks
are ones that you could use in class.
Before you go and try them, though,
there s something I should mention:
The teacher wasn t fooling
when she put us in detention.
My Dog Likes to Disco
My doggy likes to disco dance.
He boogies every night.
He dances in his doghouse
till the early morning light.
The other dogs come running
when they hear my doggy swing.
A few will bring play their instruments.
The others dance and sing.
They pair off with their partners
as their tails begin to wag.
They love to do the bunny hop,
the fox trot and the shag.
You ll see the doghouse rockin
as a hundred dogs or more
all trip the light fantastic
on the doghouse disco floor.
At last, at dawn, they exit
in the early morning breeze,
and stop to sniff the fire hydrants,
bushes, lawns and trees.
I just don t understand it
for although it looks like fun.
I can t see how they fit inside
that doghouse built for one.
The Llama and the Aardvark
The llama loved the aardvark.
They were married in the spring.
They had a dozen babies
and their babies loved to sing.
So people came from miles around,
and this is what they saw:
twelve little baby llaardvarks
singing llaa llaa llaa llaa llaa.