    Facing setbacks is an inevitable part of life. It is during these moments that we truly discover our resilience and strength. Personally, when I encounter setbacks, I experience a range of emotions, from frustration and disappointment to determination and perseverance.
    One of the initial emotions I feel when faced with a setback is frustration. It is natural to feel frustrated when things do not go as planned or when obstacles arise unexpectedly. For example, when I was preparing for an important exam and realized that I had misunderstood a crucial concept, I felt frustrated with myself for not studying more diligently. This frustration stems from the desire to succeed and the disappointment in not meeting my own expectations.
    However, as time passes, I begin to shift my mindset and embrace the setback as an opportunity for growth. This shift in perspective allows me to feel determined and motivated t
o overcome the obstacles. For instance, when I faced rejection from a job application, I used it as a chance to reflect on my skills and improve myself. I enrolled in additional courses and sought feedback from professionals in the field. This determination fuels my perseverance, enabling me to keep pushing forward despite setbacks.
    In addition to frustration, setbacks also evoke a sense of disappointment. It is disheartening to put in effort and not achieve the desired outcome. Nevertheless, disappointment can be a catalyst for personal growth and self-reflection. For example, when I failed to secure a promotion at work, I felt disappointed in myself. However, instead of dwelling on the disappointment, I took the opportunity to evaluate my performance and identify areas for improvement. This self-reflection allowed me to develop new skills and ultimately led to future successes.