    One of the poetic lines by Su Shi that would make a great essay topic is "人生到处知何似,应似飞鸿踏雪泥" (Life is like a journey, resembling a wild goose stepping on snow). This line can inspire a lot of thoughts and reflections on the journey of life, the struggles and obstacles we face, as well as the beauty and grace that can be found in the midst of challenges.雪 诗句
    I remember a time when I felt like a wild goose stepping on snow. It was during my first year of college, when everything seemed so new and daunting. I had to navigate through unfamiliar territory, just like a wild goose trying to find its way in the snow. But as I persevered and adapted to the challenges, I also found moments of beauty and grace, just like the wild goose leaving its elegant footprints on the snow.