    The key to struggling for life is to manage one's own strengths. Managing your strengths can add value to your life. Managing your own shortcomings is bound to depreciate your life.
    Young attitude and spirit can erase wrinkles on the soul and face, make your eyes full of light, make you see the future, full of unlimited hope for the future.
    You have dreams in the daytime and dreams in the night. Take good care of yourself, don't have a cold and runny nose; if you sneeze occasionally, it means I miss you!
    Whether you are rich or poor, there is always something in you that makes others worth associating with. No matter what kind of person you are, you have something to worry about.
    The map of life is full of all kinds of checkpoints. Every pass is growth. Experience the lessons and experiences accumulated by various checkpoints, and achieve your wisdom in life.
    A man has only one heart, but two atria. One lived in happiness; the other lived in sorrow. Don't laugh too loudly, or you will wake up the sadness next to you.
    I love you! If one day I turn into a cup of loess, the spring grass growing on the loess will
be green for you, and the flowers blooming on the loess will be beautiful for you.
    Will be happier than before, even sad, but also to face with a smile. Learning to be cold-blooded is only good for those who are good to me. Learn to be lonely, no one will take you as a treasure.
    Believe in yourself, treat yourself well, and make your life brilliant. Don't mistake it for making someone regret, but for making your life better.
    No matter how smart, competent and well-equipped a person is, if he does not know how to behave and do things, he will surely fail in the end.
    Once we keep focusing on the little things that we can accomplish, we will soon be amazed at how little we can't accomplish.
    It's not that I don't want to be with a lover. If a man deserves to be loved deeply, it is also happy to live up to his life. Just no one.
    It takes only a minute to meet someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
    In this world, although there are many cold, many dark, but as long as there is more trust and love between people, then it will increase a lot of sunshine.
    Business is successful, and don't think it's the God of Destiny that brings you. The God of Destiny does not have this power, but is dominated by the God of Discrimination.
    If you don't want to work for the dreams of others, fight for your dreams! Write down your dreams boldly and put them where you can see them everyday!
    It's hard to love you without desire or desire. Love you, but to sneak, tired! Love you, but let their hearts broken, miserable! But it's silly to be willing.
    Disappointment is happiness, because there is hope, there is disappointment. We will pr
obably fall in love with two kinds of people, one that cures our illness and the other that makes us sick.
    The theorem is firm in borrowing and returning, giving and expecting. No one violates it, but thanksgiving. When the recipient thinks it is borrowing, the sender thinks it is sending.
    Let a man love you may not be difficult, let a man marry you is difficult; let a woman marry you is not difficult, let a woman love you is difficult.
    If you regard yourself as clay, you will not suffer from the burial of pearls; if you look at people with appreciation eyes, you will see people worthy of respect and learning.
    Being worldly, transcending worldliness and not admiring vanity, one possesses the spirit of a fairy; being worldly, but compassionate for life, pulling out hardships with joy, one possesses the Bodhisattva mind.
    Don't think that all people are human, some just look like individuals, don't care about them, let them go, stay away is the only thing you have to do.
女生qq    A man who pursues a career can make his dream higher. Although the beginning is a dream, but as long as you keep doing, not easily give up, dream can come true.
    Perhaps the most important thing to love a person is not vows and sweet words. Some tr
ivial things in life can better reflect his affection for you. That is the password of love.
    The sprouting of spring, the vigorous development of summer, the maturity of autumn and the dormancy of winter naturally continue its life in the unit of season, which is every paragraph of its echo.
    The first time a person is deceived can be regarded as a lesson, the second time a person is deceived can be understood as not long memory, if the third time a person is deceived, it can only say that you are a fool.
    Countless people can sweep a hundred houses, but they can not sweep the whole world. Very few people can sweep the whole world without sweeping a house. Whoever sw
eeps the house or the world is doomed.
    Without economic independence, there will be a lack of "self-esteem". Without thinking independence, there will be a lack of "self-determination". Without personality independence, there will be a lack of "self-confidence".
    Time is 24 hours a day, but one day brings wisdom and strength to diligent people and only leaves a piece of regret to lazy people.
    After ten years of painful experience, both mother-in-law and husband died. Qiqiao's misery finally came to an end. She got her family property and moved out of Jiangfu to support herself.
    The sad thing in life is that you meet someone who means a lot to you, but eventually find out that it was never meant to be, so you have to let go.
    From one city to another, only by their own efforts. Learn to grow up, learn to bear, learn to cry, you can also embrace your parents with a smile.
    Rainwater purifies the air and tears purify the soul. It's painful. It's not from itself. It's in the process that we have to face and remember so much.
    Everything depends on your mood. Everyone has two choices. One is anger, the other is
to be patient and calm. I choose the latter. What about you?
    Time makes people forget their dreams, principles and friends. But there are some things we remember very clearly. We remember that we had dreams, principles and friends.
    Failure doesn't mean you can't. Sometimes setbacks will lead you to success. Victory doesn't mean you are super-capable. Sometimes success will lead you into the abyss.
    If a woman knows how to manage money and how to be independent, life is yours. Women can not demand independence in the kitchen. Learning to manage money is the basis of pursuing independence.
    When you have the ability, the more modest you are, the more people will like you. People's hearts are very strange. If you want to publicize people will not like you, and your trouble will be more.
    Quiet heart is the highest quality. It has no boundaries. It is complete and pure. It is concentration, awareness, love and the highest wisdom.
    Never be curious about what may be bad, or it may kill you. Never make a decision when you are in pain, or you will regret it later.
    Learn to appreciate it, it can close the distance between friends; be happy to appreciate it, it can encourage friends to make progress; self-appreciation, it can stimulate their potential.
    If you have a good plan, go ahead with courage, don't be discouraged and don't give up halfway. Walking a curve is not a failure. You don't have to be sad in your mood.
    Happiness is like a cat and its tail. When a cat chases its tail desperately, it can't catch it. When a cat decides to run forward, its tail follows it.
    Sometimes, a little more free and easy, the willows will be dark and bright in front of us; a little more tolerant, the heart will be vast in the sea and sky. The world around us is often wi
ser and more tolerant than we think.
    The key to life's struggle is to manage one's own strengths. Managing your strengths will add value to your life, and managing your weaknesses will certainly depreciate your life.
    Happiness is that the person waving "goodbye" in the morning returns to the same corner in the evening, leaving his schoolbag in the same corner and stuffing his stinky sneakers under the same chair.
    Super imitation is also a kind of talent and genuine ability, but the lifelike imitation is still imitation, not innovation. Only innovation is the highest skill and realm.
    When you think about the past, you will cry. The reality is too cruel and harsh. You never give a dream. Once you imagine the future, you will have different tears.
    Many times, a man makes you think he's in love with you, but he really doesn't; and a woman makes you think she can't fall in love with you, but she's moved.