九年级英语导学案(四中基地)     主备人:王景霞        审核人:          审批人:        授课时间:2014.        班级:        组别:        姓名:
Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?
Section A 1a—2d    (听说课)
  get along/on with与……相处
get back 回来,取回
2buy sb. sth.=buy sth.for sb. 给某人买某物。
  eg:He bought me this book=He bought this book for me.
  Buy sth..from sb.从某人处买某物。
Excuse me,how can ?
Excuse me,could/can you tell me the ?
Excuse me,could/can you tell me how I can ?
Excuse me,could/can you tell me how to ?
Excuse me,could/can you tell is?
Excuse me,which is the ,please?
Excuse me,where’s...,please?
Excuse me,is there ar here?
1Walk along/down this road/street.沿着这条路/街向前走。
2Turn left/right at the+序数词+crossing/turning,and then walk straight.
3You can take No.+数字+bus and get
4It’s next to/它在……隔壁/对面。
5Walk on and turn left/right,and you’ll see it.
6Go/Walk up the street/road to the traffic lights,and turn left/right.
  沿着这条街/ 走到交通灯处,然后向左/右拐。
II. While-class
1. 导入新课
2. 教学过程
1)通过完成1a学习句型。get sb. sth.=get sth.forsb.buy sb. sth.=buy sth.for sb.
(2 )听力,听录音,并完成1a图片中的对话
活动:S1:Excuse me,could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore?
    S2:Sure,just go along Main Street until you pass Center Street.The by one.
4. 小结:
III. Post-class
1. 掌握本课时的单词和短语。
2. 能够运用问路,指路的句型编写对话
3. 收获与反思:
Blackboard Design
Unit3 Cold you please tell me where the restrooms are?
get sb. sth.=get sth.for sth.
buy sb. sth.=buy sth.for sb.
buy sth.from sb.
Key & difficult points
Learning procedure
I. Pre-class
邮票                      建议 提议           
便利的                    要求 请求           
礼貌地                    不礼貌的             
2. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子
Could you please tell me            the post office            ?
    Do you know                                      the library?
    The bookstore is            the bank          the supermarket.
    Maybe the word”restroom”在中国不常用。
    Go        the bookstore and        left.You can find a          .
3. 知识超市:
1get sb. sth.=get sth.for sb.
eg:Get me a cup of tea=Get a cup of tea for me.
get up起床    get over克服,恢复    get on/off上车/下车
3. 当堂检测:
1.We send the letter with some s          on it.
2.I like talking to Zhang Li because she sits b        me on my left.
3.Every Teachers’Day,we buy some p        for our teachers and we
write some best wishes on them.
4.My sister is taking a shower in the b            .
5.There was little time left.Jim r        to school.
(  )1.I don’t remember            the book yesterday.
A.where I put    B.where did I put 
C.where will Iput    D.where I will put
(  )2.—Simon. I hear you are going abroad for further study.Have
you decided          ?
      —Next September.
A.when going  B.when to go    C.how going    D.how to go
(  )3.—Where do you sit,,Jane?
      —I sit        Linda.She is just on my left.
A.behind    B.in front of    C.beside    D.across
(  )4.—Open the window please,Mike.
        ?I didn’t hear what your said.)
A.What    B.Pardon    C.Really    D.All right
(  )5.—Show me the mapplease.I wonder        .
      —Lookit’s herein the east of Chinanear Taiwan Province.
    A.where is Diaoyu Island      B.where Diaoyu Island is
    C.what is Diaoyu Island like
九年级英语导学案(四中基地)            主备人:杨环      审核人:          审批人:        授课时间:2014.        班级:        组别:        姓名:
Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? SA3a-3c (阅读课)
They            suggestion  waiting until the proper time
4. 小结:
Blackboard Design
Unit3 Could you please tell me where the  restrooms are?
Review:                          Notes:
1 information                    1  suggest  用法及举例
2 between….  and ….              2  staff    用法及举例
3 pardon                        3  start    用法及举例
. Post-class
1 掌握本课的新单词
2 复述并会默写3a
3 完成大本文曲星unit1SA
4 收获与反思
知识目标: 掌握本课的几个新单词
能力目标: 用细节理解法去解阅读理解题
情感目标: 通过学习应学会在旅游中体会乐趣,礼貌与他人沟通的乐观品质
学习策略: 通过复述课文去掌握重要语言点
文化意识: 要培养乐于助人的思想品质
Key & difficult points
Learning procedure
I. Pre-class
1. 翻译下列短语
看上去吓人        建议做某事                经过            开始做某事               
2. 知识超市:
  suggest动词  suggestion  名词
  Uncle  Bob’s = Uncle  Bob’s restaurant名词所有格限定的是表示住宅,诊所,商店等的名词时,该名词通常可以省略
start  doing  something 开始做某事
II. While-class
1. 导入新课
  Why did Alice not want  to go on the new ride?How did she feel after the ride? Please read the
  conversation and answer the questions below.
2. 教学过程
⑴读对话,完成 3a,3b
3. 当堂检测:
Could you tell me where the             厕所)is?
Please         (邮寄) the letter to Mary.
  I think you can search for some       information on the Internet.
The new car is           Tom.         
When do you       normalget home from work?
九年级英语导学案(四中基地)            主备人:杨环      审核人:          审批人:        授课时间:2014.        班级:        组别:        姓名:
Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?
Grammar focus-sb1d (听说课)
What            to  you  last night?
I have a nice bike. She          has one.       
Which is the most              way  to Beijing?
His mother likes apples.and she       buys them when she goes  to the supermarket.
I found a wallet at the street        
4. 小结:
Blackboard Design
Unit3 Could you please tell me where the  restrooms are?
Review:                          Notes:
1  suggest  用法                1  听力答案
2  staff    用法                2  fascinating形容词  迷人的  主语是物 
                                    形容词  入迷的  主语是人
3  start    用法            3  convenient  形容词 方便的  convenience 名词 方便
Ⅳ. Post-class
1 掌握本课的新单词
2 复述并会默写1c
3 收获与反思:
知识目标: 掌握本课的几个新单词
能力目标: 能听懂本课的听力对话
情感目标: 通过学习应学会在旅游中体会乐趣,礼貌与他人沟通的乐观品质
学习策略: 通过复述听力原文去掌握重要语言点
文化意识: 要培养乐于助人的思想品质
Key & difficult points
Learning procedure
I. Pre-class
1. 翻译下列短语
不昂贵的        迷人的                不拥挤的            方便的              
2. 知识超市:
  fascinating形容词  迷人的  主语是物 
    fascinated  形容词  入迷的  主语是人
  convenient  形容词 方便的  convenience 名词 方便
corner 拐角  in the corner在拐角的里面  on the corner在拐角的之上  at the corner
II. While-class
1. 导入新课
  After talking about places in your city  and listen to the conversations and complete the sentences .
2. 教学过程
完成 1a,1b
3. 当堂检测:
I think Beijing is f         .I want to go there there.
It’  c        to  take the subway  in Shanghai.
also,  happen,  always,      corner,        direct
九年级英语导学案(四中基地)        主备人: 孙玉红    审核人:          审批人:                授课时间:2014. 班级:          组别:          姓名: