Children enjoy watching TV.
Excuse me for interrupting you.
I don’t remember having ever seen the film.我不记得曾经看过这部电影。
He came in without being asked. I didn’t mind being left at home.
suggest的名词但want, need, deserve, require后用动名词表被动,形容词worth…
My watch needs repairing (to be repaired).
The film is worth seeing.
Being careless is not a good habit, whatever you do.
Following the teacher, we walked into the lab.
Thank you for giving us so much help last time.
Most doctors strongly insist on giving up smoking and taking plenty of exercise.
I’m very pleased at your having been honored with a medal.
被动式表示一个被动的动作,这个动作通常是正在进行的,或是与谓语动词同时发生的。That building being repaired is our dormitory.
Being asked to put on a performance, she refuse.
Having been given such a good chance, how could you let it slip away.
⒈动名词:动名词在句中起名词的作用,可单独或构成短语做主语、表语、宾语、介词的宾语或定语。用于禁令性语言,常见于公共标语。No smoking/parking/spitting.
Working in these conditions is not a pleasure but a suffer.
It’s fun playing with children.
Reading aloud is important in learning a language.
Playing football is my favorite sport.
句型a. It is a./n. +doing
It is no use crying over the spilt milk.覆水难收。
It’s nice working with you.
句型b. There is no +doing sth.== It is impossible to do…
There is no joking on this matter.这事可开不得玩笑。
There is no saying what may happen.说不准将会发生什么事。
There is no holding back the wheel of history.历史的车轮不可阻挡。
在essential, important, necessary等后面不用动名词。
It’s important for me to learn English well.
Learning English well is important.(泛指一般情况)
To see is to believe. Seeing is believing.
My favorites sport is swimming.
Her job is teaching English.
必须用动名词作宾语的动词:suggest, finish, avoid, stop, can’t help, mind, admit, advise, consider, deny, enjoy, require, postpone, delay, practise, fancy 想象、设想, excuse, pardon, miss(错过)
I am very sorry I missed seeing you while in Shanghai.
I suggested trying it in a different way.
I found it useless (no use) arguing about it.
Do you consider it any good trying again.
permit/allow/advise/forbid sb. to do sth.
doing sth.
They don’t allow smoking here.
Her parents don’t allow her to stay out late.
think of, dream of, hear of, prevent…form, keep…from, stop…from, look forward to, excuse…for, set about开始做, feel like想要, depend on, be engaged in从事于,忙于, get/be used to, be tired of, succeed in, be interested in, be proud of, be fond of, be good at, be afraid of, prefer…to, spend…in, devote…to, persist in(坚持、执意), insist on(坚持要,强调), for the purpose of (为了…目的), in case of (假使), instead of(代替), for fear of(以免), be busy(in), lose no time (in)(立即做…), spend time/money (in), have trouble /difficulty/a problem/a struggle/a good time/a hard time (in)…
He is good at playing volleyball. Excuse me for being late.
We walked on tiptoe for fear of waking the baby.
There is a swimming pool in our school.
His father works in a printing shop.
His way of looking at things is better. 动名词与介词一起构成短语作定语。
She has a great skill at telling stories.
carving knife雕刻刀, dressing table梳妆台, drinking water饮用水, fishing rod钓竿, flying suit 飞行服, freezing point冰点, frying pan煎锅, meeting place会场, operating table手术台, reading materials阅读材料, reading room阅览室, sewing machine缝纫机, sleeping pills, washing machine洗衣机, waiting room候车室, working method工作方法, writing table写字台, walking stick手杖, sleeping car卧车。
a. 物主代词或名词所有格+ doing 可作主、宾
The problem is your relying too much on others.
Mary’s complaining annoyed him.
We are looking forward to Jenny’s visiting.
b. 如果不在句子开头,动名词的复合结构可以用名词的普通格(或人称代词的宾格),这比用所有格更自然
I d on’t mind Tom (him) coming. 汤姆(他)来,我不在意。
Is there any hope of Xiao Li passing the exam?小李有没有通过考试的希望?
c. 如果动名词逻辑上的主语是无生命的东西,就只能用普通格,不能用所有格。
Is there any hope of our team winning the game.
d. 代词宾格+动名词结构:在下列句子中,代词和动名词都是直接宾语,所以代词必须用宾格。
Pardon me speaking bluntly.请恕我直言。
She forgave him saying so.她原谅了他这么说。
①作表语:表主语的性质和特征,意思是“令人…的”,相当于一个形容词的用法,前可加very,一般跟在系动词be, get, become, look, sound, feel, keep, remain, grow, seem, appear等后面。
The story sounds interesting.
We are busy preparing for the coming sports meet.
在see, hear, notice..等表示感官和心理状态的动词后作宾补
They kept me waiting for a long time.
The man left us standing alone, unable to find any help.
Y our children should not be kept working hard at their homework all the time.)
China is one of the developing countries.
Last night he told us a touching story.
The girl standing there (who is standing there) is my sister.
running water= water that is running 流水,活水
a sleeping boy= a boy who is sleeping睡着的孩子
a barking dog正在狂吠的狗,boiling water正开着的水,the changing world变化着的世界,the rising sun正在升起的太阳,the setting sun正在落山的太阳,an interesting storybook。
This is Smith speaking.(电话用语)
There is nothing doing.不行。(nothing doing固定词组,表示拒绝)
Let’s start for the time being.(for the time being固定词组,现在)
We’ve had rains for 10 days running.(running常置于表示时间的名词后表“连续的”)
Tom, arriving late, was not permitted to enter the classroom.汤姆来迟了,不许进教室。