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一、研究高考 明确考情
1.(2019全国卷Ⅰ)Scientists have responded by          (note) that hungry bears may be congregating (聚集) around human settlements, leading to the illusion (错觉) that populations
are higher than they actually are. 
答案与解析:noting 考查动名词。介词by后用动词 -ing 形式作宾语
2.(2019全国卷 II)A 90-year-old has been awarded “Woman Of The Year” for        (be) Britain’s oldest full-time employee — still working 40 hours a week. 
答案与解析:being 考查动名词。介词for后用动词 -ing 形式作宾语。
3. (2019天津卷)        (learn) to think critically is an important skill today’s children will need for the future.
答案与解析:Learning 考查动名词。分析句子结构可知,此处所填词在句中作主语,表示一般情况,故用动名词。
4.(2018年全国卷 I)You may drink, smoke, be overweight and still reduce your risk of           (die) early by running.
答案与解析:dying 考查动名词。介词of后用动词的-ing形式作宾语。
5.(2018全国卷 III)I quickly lower myself, ducking my head to avoid      (look) directly into his eyes so he doesn’t feel  challenged. 
答案与解析:looking  考查动名词。avoid 后接动名词作宾语。avoid doing sth. 意为 “避免做某事”。 
6.(2018浙江卷)I still remember        (visit) a friend who’d lived here for five years and I was shocked when I learnt she hadn’t cooked once in all that time. 
答案与解析:visiting  考查动名词。remember doing sth. 意为 “记得做过某事”。
7. (2018北京卷)      (travel) along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience.
答案与解析:Traveling 考查动名词。分析句子结构可知,此处用动名词作主语。
8. (2018天津卷)I didn’t mean to eat anything but the ice cream looked so good that I couldn’t help        (try) it.
答案与解析:trying 考查动名词。根据句意“我本不打算吃东西,可是冰淇淋太好看了,我禁不住想尝尝”,可知用can’t help doing sth.结构。 
9.(2017全国卷 I)Fast food is full of fat and salt; by        (eat) more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet. 
答案与解析:eating  考查动名词。“by+动名词”作方式状语。此处意为 “吃大量的快餐,人们将摄入超过他们饮食所需的盐和油脂”。
10.(2017全国卷 II)This included digging up the road,      (lay) the track and then building a strong roof over the top. 
答案与解析:laying  考查动名词。  laying the track 和上文的 digging up the road 及下文的 building a strong roof ... 是并列关系,作included的宾语。
11.(2017全国卷 III)But unlike her school friends, 16-year-old Sarah is not spending half-term          (rest).
答案与解析:resting  考查动名词。spend+ 一段时间 +(in) doing sth. 是固定结构, 故填 resting。
12.(2016年全国卷 I)My ambassadorial duties will include        (introduce) British visitors to the 120-plus pandas at Chengdu and others at a research in the misty mountains of Bifengxia. 
答案与解析:introducing 考查动名词。include后面跟动词的-ing形式作宾语。
13. (2015全国卷 II) In addition to their simple beauty, what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their ability to “air condition” a house without           (use) electric equipment. 
答案与解析:using  考查动名词。介词without后用动词的-ing形式作宾语。
1. (2019全国卷 III)If I succeed in manage one, I will open more.
答案与解析:manage→ managing 考查动名词。作介词in的宾语,要用动名词。
2. (2018年全国卷 I) My grandpa said last summer they earned quite a lot by sell the fish.
答案与解析:sell→ selling 考查动名词。作介词by的宾语,要用动名词。
3. (2016全国卷 II)We can choose between staying at home and take a trip.
答案与解析:take→ taking 考查动名词。做介词between的宾语,与staying at home是并列关系,故用动名词。
4. (2016全国卷 III)I showed them I was independent by wear strange clothes.
答案与解析:wear→ wearing 考查动名词。作介词by的宾语,要用动名词。
5. (2015全国卷Ⅱ)After looks at the toy for sometime, he turned around and found what his parents were missing.
答案与解析:looks→ looking 考查动名词。作介词after的宾语,要用动名词。
二、吃透考点 抓住关键
Swimming is a good sport in summer. 
1)动名词(短语)作主语时,有时放在谓语之后,而用it作形式主语,放在句首。构成句式为:It is + n./ adj. + 动名词短语。常用语此句式的名词和形容词有:no use, no good, fun, a waste of time/money/energy, useful, useless等。
It’s no good doing that. 
It’s a waste of time arguing with such a person. 
2) 动名词的复合结构(名词所有格或形容词性的物主代词+动名词)作主语。
Their coming to help is a great encouragement to us.
动名词(短语)既可作动词的宾语,也可作介词的宾语。只接动名词作宾语的35个常见动词或动词短语:admit, advise, allow, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, deny, discuss, dislike, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, feel like, finish, forbid, forgive, give up, imagine, keep, mention, mind, miss, pardon, permit, practice, prevent, prohibit, put off, report, risk, stop, suggest, understand。