1. 辨析advise和suggest
  1).可接名词:He advised / suggested a rest.他建议休息一下。
  2).代词:They advised / suggested nothing to us.他们对我们没有什么建议。
  3).动名词:Tom advised / suggested sending for a doctor at once.汤姆建议立即叫医生。
  I advised / suggested that he (should) eat more fruit.我建议他应多吃水果。
  The doctor advised me to rest for a week.医生建议我休息一星期。
  I suggested to hold a meeting (×)
  I suggested holding a meeting.(√)
  John suggested us to go for a walk.(×)
John advised us to go for a walk.(√)
  advise → advice
  Suggest → suggestion
2. have a fever
  Similar phrases: have a cold/headache/stomachache …
3. for lunch
  I ate some strange sea food for lunch/breakfast/supper
4. be careful with
  You should be careful with dogs when they are around you.
  Be careful about/of/with sth.
  Be careful about/in doing sth.
5. ripe or green ?  Here green means unripe.
  He is green at this work.  Here “green” means new hand.
  On Page 4. “green”  : Here means they don’t use any chemical feed and drug.
6. examine
  The nurse helps the doctor to examine the naughty boy.
  My luggage was carefully examined at the Customs office.
  The teachers wanted to examine his students at the end of this month.
  examine and check
  examine: look at a person or thing in order to find out/learn about sth.
  e.g. I’ll go to the hospital to have my legs examined
  Check:检察,核对 Test to see if something is right, make sure
e.g. Now, please check your answers.   现在请核对一下答案.
e.g. Check your bicycle brakes before you ride.   f骑自行车前请检察一下刹车.
7. plenty of: a full or abundant supply or amount: 许多
  e.g. There is plenty of time.
8. energy: n. The capacity for work or vigorous activity; vigor; power
    a project requiring a great deal of time and energy.
    a speech delivered with energy and emotion.
    Each year the two countries will held a meeting to discuss energy problem.
energetic: adj. active
  The more the young students worked, the more energetic they became.
Energetically: adv.
9.Our eating habits have changed , as has our way of life,….= so has our way of life.
Tom prefers watching blockbusters, as does his wife.
10. fuel n. material for producing heat or other forms of energy , eg  wood, coal, oil and so on.
The fuel we need for our bodies. ..Here “fuel” means the food which produces energy for our bodies.
  Money is the fuel of a volunteer organization.
  In the end of this century, the fossil fuel will be used up.
11. diet: n [C]
  A balanced diet 均衡的饮食
  Be on a diet  suggest的名词在节食
  Go on a die    节食
  The young doctor suggested the patient a special diet.
12. too much + uncountable noun  eg. too much fat
  too many + countable noun  eg. too many students
  much too + adj.\ adv.      Eg. It’s much too crowded.
13. keep up with 保持同样的距离不落后。
catch up with 赶上(从拉在后面,到追上)。
  She runs so fast that I cannot catch up with her.
  She runs so fast that I cannot keep up with her.
  She has kept up with some of her friends since her retirement.她退休后一直同一些朋友保持着联系。
  Keep pace with并驾齐驱
  keep pace with the times - 与时俱进
  Recently, wage increases can hardly keep pace with inflation.
14. make the right choice about
  You must make the right choice about you future.
15. Some nutrients help build our body and make it stronger.
  vt.1. 建筑;造 2. 建立;发展;增进[(+up)]
  The nutrients help to build our brain.
  The leaders from the two countries try their best to build up the economic corporation.
16. nutrient. N. what are the six essential nutrients of our body?
  nutrition. N This food provides all the nutrition your dog needs.
  nutritious adj. Sometimes, nutritious food are not always delicious.
17. Other nutrients help keep our body functioning well.
      n.[C] 功能,作用
    vi.1. (机器等)工作,运行 2. 起作用[(+as)]
 The teacher did not explain its grammatical function.     老师没有解释它的语法功能。
  Our computers is not functioning properly nowadays.
 The sofa functions as a bed at night.       这沙发在夜里可以当床。
18. base on: 根据;基于
  His conclusion is based on a careful research.
  Based on such a evidence, the sentence of the criminal should be at least lifelong.