I owned a book publishing company for many years.One day in 1997, 1 was  1  by an article in a newspaper that  2  the topic of graffiti(涂糖) "Random Acts of Kindness". Then I determined to  3 a book of people's stories about kindness. I stuck a marketing label on the back cover of the book that  4  ."Join the Kindness Revolution!" I thought it might  5  people to open the book.
Obviously, it  6  ,because millions of people bought the book and over 20.000 of them wrote us a letter  7  to join the Kindness Revolution.
Later, I appeared on over 600  8  and they were almost all a(n)  9  of the same thing. Every time, I would tell a  1from the book then ask listeners to call our hotline and share theirs. In the process. I was  1to hear thousands of different stories. It is almost impossible for me to  1what that experience was like because each story was a powerful jewel of link between two people who had  1nothing in common except they were both people.
It had a deep influence on my life. And I would say that the single most important thing we can do is to truly  1others.That small act opens the door of all  15  .
1. A. defeated        B. exposed              C. stuck            D. commented
2. A. suggested      B. mentioned            C. avoided          D. admitted
3. A. purchase        B. publish              C. retell            D. rewrite
4. A. told            B. warned              C. read            D. sounded
5. A. encourage      B.force                  C. allow            D. order
6. A. faded          B. failed                C. worked          D. paid
7. A. forgetting      B. competing            C. disagreeing      D. asking
8. A. books          B. experiments          C. letters          D. programs
9. A. part            B. version              C. evidence        D. system
10. A. story          B. function            C. solution          D. lesson
11. A. scared          B.lucky              C. confident        D. unwilling
12. A. select          B. consider            C. describe          D. check
13. A. absolutely      B. gradually            C. individually      D.immediately
14. A. put up with      B. agree with          C. make up with      D. connect with
15. A. uncertainties    B. instructions          C. possibilities        D. problems
A few weeks ago,I surfed the Internet and came across a book called The Debt to pleasure. At first sight,I 1  , immediately, to own it. Its structure was novel and it had won wide 2 among readers.
But before I could  3   the Buy Now button,a tiny inner voice : the library, the library,
which was simply three blocks from my apartment. I searched the catalog (目录)o£ the library and sure enough, “ ” now. However,by the time the book was borrowed,I couldn't say with 6 that I would love it. This worn,yellow-papered object was just so 7  . However promising our first   8  was,my initial desire  9   sank. When the book was  10  ,I walked to the library and 11  it into the Returns box. Once reshelved,it would 12  for others. I sighed and walked off. It had never 13  me from the very beginning.
One thing I should mention:I did end up loving The Debt to Pleasure,I loved it so much that I finally ordered a copy of my own. The library book does 14  me the cost of a paperback,but it just delivers a   15  satisfaction,one that can't promise permanent ownership. Live your life fully,for our lives are only lent to us and can't be owned forever.
1.    A. attempted            B. decided            C. arranged            D. ceased
2.    A. sympathy            B. judgment            C. adaptation            D. recognition
3.    A. click                B. spot                C. untie                D. strike
4.    A. defended            B. insisted            C. confirmed            D. conveyed
5.    A. accessible            B. affordable            C. available            D. dynamic
6.    A. patience            B. relief                C. certainty            D. honesty
7.    A. plain                B. vivid                C. unique                D. attractive
8.    A. response            B. adventure            C. interaction            D. encounter
9.    A. frequently            B. gradually            C. consequently        D. normally
10.    A. due                B. extra                C. missing            D. out
11.    A. submitted            B. donated            C. dropped            D. distributed
12.    A. apply                B. exchange            C. cheer                D. head
13.    A. belonged to            B. appealed to            C. turned to            D. depended on
14.    A. paid                B. offer                C. save                D. prepare
15.    A. material            B. temporary            C. complete            D. sustainable
When I moved to Falmouth, I discovered Potager Garden. I was a woodworker, so I rented a large 1 building here. The owners were transforming the 2 garden center, inspired by organic productive and decorative 3  . The garden had a really 4 atmosphere and I realized I’d found something special. When I realized the owners weren't able to continue 5 it, I decided to go into partnership with them. I simply couldn't let a place that brought so much joy 6  .The garden has always been 7 by the people involved. It's all about the people, whether it's the dementia (痴呆) group that 8 here or the shy volunteer who came three years ago and is now doing a degree in garden management. The garden 9 brings joy. One lady used to suffer so badly when she started coming but,the other day, she told me -without 10 -that Potager has changed her life. I' ve seen families come to the cafe and watch their 11 take their first steps on the grass. 12 are made here. There is joy in having my hands in the 13 , seeing rows of young plants 14  . There's raw potential in 15  that spe
aks of the future and optimism. Running Potager is hard work 16 the pleasure it provides makes it all 17  .