    Wrapping Zongzi for the Dragon Boat Festival
    One of my favorite holidays is the Dragon Boat Festival! It's a special day in the summer when we get to eat yummy rice dumplings called zongzi. But before we can eat them, we have to make them first. That's the really fun part!
    My grandma always comes over a few days before the festival to teach us how to wrap zongzi. First, we need to get all the ingredients ready. We need sticky rice, bamboo leaves, dried mushrooms, salted egg yolks, mung beans, Chinese sausage, and pork. Yum!
    The first step is to soak the bamboo leaves in water so they get soft and bendy. Then grandma shows us how to fold them into little cups to hold the rice and fillings. It's kind of like origami! I'm not very good at it yet, but grandma is an expert.
    Next, we have to prepare all the fillings. The mung beans get boiled until they're soft. The mushrooms are soaked in hot water to rehydrate them. The Chinese sausage and pork get chopped up into little pieces. And the salted egg yolks are grated.
    Once everything is ready, it's finally time to start wrapping the zongzi! Grandma lays out the bamboo leaf cup and scoops in some sticky rice. Then she makes a little well in the middle and puts in the fillings - mushrooms, beans, meat, egg yolk. More rice goes on top to cover it all up.
    The last step is folding and tying the whole thing up tight with some bamboo string. Grandma's zongzi always look perfect, so much! But she says it doesn't matter what they look like, as long as they taste good.
    After all the zongzi are wrapped, we get to boil them for hours until they're nice and plump. The whole house smells amazing! I can hardly wait to finally eat them on the Dragon Boat Festival. Zongzi are so tasty, and I feel proud that I helped make them myself. It's a lot of work, but a fun tradition I look forward to every year!
    My Favorite Holiday Tradition: Making Zongzi
    The Dragon Boat Festival is one of my favorite holidays! Every year around the end of spring, my family gets together to make zongzi. Zongzi are sticky rice dumplings that we eat during this festival. Making them is a fun tradition that I look forward to.
    First, we need to get all the ingredients ready. We need sticky rice, bamboo leaves, meat or other fillings, and some string. The bamboo leaves are really long and green. We soak them in water to make them soft and easy to fold.
    Next, my mom spreads out the rice on a big plate. She adds some oil, soy sauce, and other seasonings to give it flavor. Then I help mix everything together with my little hands. It's kind of messy but really fun!
    After that, we take a bamboo leaf and put some filling like pork, mushrooms, or egg in the middle. We spread some rice on top, fold up the sides, and tie it closed with the string. It looks like a little green package!
    Once all the zongzi are wrapped up, we steam them for about an hour. The house smells so good when they are cooking! Finally, we get to eat our homemade zongzi. I love biting into them and tasting all the delicious flavors.
    Making zongzi is hard work but my favorite part of the Dragon Boat Festival. I feel proud that I could help make this special holiday food. It's a tradition I hope to keep doing with my own family someday. Zongzi are delicious and remind me of celebrating this fun festival with my loved ones.