"Mid Autumn Festival", also known as the Mid Autumn Festival, is held on the fifth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar. It is a time for family members and relatives to get together to celebrate the full moon. Harmonious and auspicious adults usually drink a cup of hot Chinese tea in a variety of fragrant moon cakes, while children run around with bright lanterns.
The "Mid Autumn Festival" may start from a harvest festival, and then To this festival is given a mythical flavor, the legendary beautiful lady moon. According to Chinese mythology, the sun once revolved around it on earth one day. All the suns appeared together and burned the earth with their heat.
When Hou Yi, a strong Archer, successfully shot down the sun, he stole the elixir of immortality to save people from his tyrannical rule, but his wife, change, drank like this. On the Mid Autumn Festival of the century, young Chinese girls would pray to their sister-in-law, and eating moon cakes on the "mid Autumn Festival" was given a new meaning. According to
the story, when Zhu Yuanzhang planned to overthrow the Yuan Dynasty established by the Mongols, the rebels hid the news in the moon cakes, so the Mid Autumn Festival is also to commemorate the overthrow of the Mongols by the Han people.
“中秋节”又称中秋节,在农历xx月初五这天举行,是家人和亲人欢聚一堂,欢度丰盛吉祥的圆月的日子,和谐吉祥的大人们通常会在各种各样的香喷喷的月饼里喝上一杯滚烫的中国茶,而小朋友们则拿着亮着灯笼到处跑“中秋节”可能是从一个丰收节开始的,后来这个节日被赋予了一种神话般的味道,传说中的美丽的女士月亮根据中国神话,地球上曾经有一天太阳围绕着它旋转,所有的太阳都出现在一起,用它们的热量灼烧着地球。当一个强壮的手后羿成功地击落了太阳时,他偷了长生不老药来救人们脱离他的,但是他的妻子嫦娥就这样喝了。在世纪的中秋节上,年轻的中国姑娘们会向月嫂祈福,在“中秋节”吃月饼被赋予了新的意义。故事说,当朱元璋策划推翻蒙古人建立的元朝时,军把消息藏在中秋月饼里,因此中秋节也是为了纪念推翻蒙古人。中秋节 诗句