  Spring is a season of singing birds and fragrant flowers. The spring is bright, and the intoxicating spring breeze makes our hearts bloom with joy. Today is March 12 - tree planting day. We went down to the park to plant trees under the leadership of teacher pan. Along the way, we laughed and laughed. The trees on the roadside sprouted. All kinds of flowers are red and yellow. They are really beautiful. The birds in the sky are flying freely. What a relaxed and happy scene!
  After a while, we arrived at the park. The teacher divided into groups and began to plant trees. Let's dig tree pits with shovels first, dig and dig, and finally dig the tree pits one by one. Then carefully put the saplings into the tree pit, then cultivate them with thick soil, and finally water them. Finally, the saplings are planted one by one. Lovely saplings, you should eat enough and grow up happily. Small wild flowers and small butterflies flew over the flowers. They said, "young saplings, welcome. Let's play together. We are good friends."
  Today, we work, we are happy! Spring is a beautiful, magical and hopeful season. Spring, I love you!
  Last arbor day, our whole class went to plant trees! That morning, I woke up very early because I could finally have a small tree to grow with me!
  After a while, we got on the bus and were ready to plant trees! In the car, I generally thought about the process and scene of our tree planting. The more I think about it, the more I want to get to the tree planting place quickly. Thinking about it, I finally reached my destination after a few minutes! I was so happy that I almost jumped up.
  When we got to the tree planting place, we first found a place to plant trees, and then an uncle took out a shovel and a small sapling for each of us. After all, it's our first time to plant trees! So I didn't quite understand, so the uncle told us about planting trees.
  After my uncle finished speaking, I picked up the shovel and prepared to dig without saying a word. But I've been digging for nearly 20 minutes. It looks like I didn't dig at all, but I didn't give up, because my mother said: people who give up halfway can't succeed in anything! Then I started digging again. Slowly, an hour later, I finally dug a hole, so I shouted, "I finally dug a !"
  After digging, I began to plant small saplings. Small saplings are easy to plant. I planted them as soon as I planted them. When I planted the sapling, I seemed to see it smiling at me. At that time, I felt that no one in the world was as beautiful, lovely and kind as At this time, I had unspeakable happiness, happiness and happiness in my heart! So I jumped! Jump! Shout! Shout!
  I was really happy that day! Happy! Happy
  Do you know how powerful a tree is? A tree is an oxygen generator, which can release 1.8kg of oxygen per hour. The oxygen produced during the day can meet the needs of 64 people; A tree is a vacuum cleaner, which can retain a large amount of dust and reduce the amount of dust by 23% ~ 55%; A tree is a pump. It absorbs water from the soil for about 4000 kilograms a year. It is converted into steam through leaves and evaporated as a sprayer and humid air. It seems that afforestation is indeed a useful thing.
  The annual tree planting day is coming again. I participated in the tree planting activities organized by the campus reporter work center of Jiaozuo daily. At 9 o'clock, my father and I came to the city forest zoo. The east gate was already crowded.
  After the short ceremony, tree planting began. Eager little reporters rushed to the tree planting place like arrows. The place where small saplings are planted has been "occupied" by others. Those of us who are slow to start have to go to the open space in the south to "establish our own door" - dig tree pits and plant some low Holly saplings by ourselves. I formed a tree planting group with three girls. After a simple division of labor, one girl went to get Holly seedlings, and the rest dug tree pits. However, how can we girls deal with the land with a lot of hard stones hidden under it? After digging for a long time, I dug a small and shallow tree pit, then saw dad, shovel up and down the spade, and soon he dug up four tree pits. We began to plant trees. Several girls put the saplings into the tree pit and held them with their hands. My father filled the tree pit with earth. After filling the soil, we trampled on the empty soil around the small tree. Aunt is responsible for the "water conservancy and irrigation project", using buckets to receive and water. We planted more than a dozen Holly saplings in one
breath and looked at the small saplings. Although we were tired and sweating, our cheeks turned red, and the mud splashed by watering soiled our clothes and shoes, we didn't mention how happy we were, because it was a small tree we cultivated!  This year's Arbor Day, I realized the joy and hard work of planting trees for the first time.
  Do you know how powerful a tree is? A tree is an oxygen generator, which can release 1.8kg of oxygen per hour. The oxygen produced during the day can meet the needs of 64 people; A tree is a vacuum cleaner, which can retain a large amount of dust and reduce the amount of dust by 23% ~ 55%; A tree is a pump. It absorbs water from the soil for about 4000 kilograms a year. It is converted into steam through leaves and evaporated as a sprayer and humid air. It seems that afforestation is indeed a useful thing.
  The annual tree planting day is coming again. I participated in the tree planting activities organized by the campus reporter work center of Jiaozuo daily. At 9 o'clock, my father and I came to the city forest zoo. The east gate was already crowded.
  After the short ceremony, tree planting began. Eager little reporters rushed to the tree planting place like arrows. The place where small saplings are planted has been "occupied" by others. Those of us who are slow to start have to go to the open space in the south to "establish our own door" - dig tree pits and plant some low Holly saplings by ourselves. I formed a tree planting group with three girls. After a simple division of labor, one girl went to get Holly seedlings, and the rest dug tree pits. However, how can we girls deal with the land with a lot of hard stones hidden under it? After digging for a long time, I dug a small and shallow tree pit, then saw dad, shovel up and down the spade, and s
oon he dug up four tree pits. We began to plant trees. Several girls put the saplings into the tree pit and held them with their hands. My father filled the tree pit with earth. After filling the soil, we trampled on the empty soil around the small tree. Aunt is responsible for the "water conservancy and irrigation project", using buckets to receive and water. We planted more than a dozen Holly saplings in one breath and looked at the small saplings. Although we were tired and sweating, our cheeks turned red, and the mud splashed by watering soiled our clothes and shoes, we didn't mention how happy we were, because it was a small tree we cultivated!  This year's Arbor Day, I realized the joy and hard work of planting trees for the first time.
  The first time I felt the current significance of "Arbor Day" was in junior high school. Every spring, the school organizes to plant trees in Mangshan Mountain near the Yellow River. As it is the season of spring and the recovery of all things, the students are excited and excited. For example, the migratory birds flying back to nature in spring enjoy a green spring, but also make a spiritual flight and have close contact with the green land. You can also see the beautiful scenic spots of the motherland, release your mood, Delight yourself, cultivate your sentiment and greening the mountains.
  In the vast Huangshan slope, leaving the small trees planted by yourself is also a seed of hope. With youth, it releases the green vitality, adds luster and color to the earth, stands tall and graceful in the wind, frost, snow and rain, interprets the meaning of life in the extension of years, and "Arbor Day" breeds the vitality of infinite green life.
  In the future tree planting activities, the busy work has weakened the significance of tree planting day, or hire people to cultivate the assigned seedlings, or pay a certain amount of money according to the task quantity, or assign them to households according to the functions of the unit. In short, the opportunities for tree planting are less and less, and the areas that may be suitable for tree planting are gradually decreasing due to the persistence of tree planting activities. Whenever I see the video of planting trees on TV on arbor day, I miss the scene of planting trees, just like missing an opportunity to spread hope for nature.
  This year's Arbor Day has finally put the meaning of "Arbor Day" into reality again. A pine tree has been planted in the poor mountainous area of Shidian village, Gongyi. In the remote mountains with strong primitive ecology, the development of tree planting activities has given new connotation. In the terraces up the mountain, people have also begun the idea of getting rich and planted thin skinned Xinjiang walnuts, Or planted Wutong trees with strong growth, or planted pine trees and evergreen cyp
resses, or planted medicinal timber (Quercus). Arbor Day has also become the starting point for farmers to move towards a well-off society.
  In the hopeful spring, plant the hope of getting rich and harvest a brilliant autumn. In the tree planting activities year after year, it also makes us think about a question: what is the survival rate of tree planting every year? It is said that a region once engaged in a tree planting activity of 10000 people a few years ago, but after a few months, only a few trees survived. The results are sad. Trees were planted in the early stag e , a b a n d o n e d i n t h e l a t e r s t a g e , a n d t h e m a n a g e m e n t w o r k i n t h e l a t e r s t a g e i s n o t i n p l a c e . A s a r e s u l t , t r e e s w e r e n o t p l a n t e d a n d s w e a t w a s w a s t e d . T h e r e f o r e , o n t h e o c c a s i o n o f t h e c o m i n g o f a r b o r d a y , w e a d v i s e t h a t t h e a c t i v i t i e s o f "
A r b o r D a y " c a n b e m a n a g e d a n d p e r s i s t e d u n t i l t h e e n d . P e r h a p s a r b o r d a y c a n t r u l y r e a l i z
e i t s s i g n i
f i c a n c e a n d m a k e t h e e a r t h v i b r a n t a n d
g r e e n . L e t t
h e c o n t
i n u e d t r e e l i f e t e l l t h e h a r d s h i p s o f t r e e p l a n t i n g a n d t h e g r e a t a n d h e r o i c f e e l i n g s o f h u m a n l o v e . / p > p s t y l e = " b o r d e r - l e f t : 5 p x s o l i d # 3 9 9 1 e 5 ; c o l o r : # 3 9 9 1 e 5 ; b a c k g r o u n d : # f 5 f 7 f 7 ; p a d d i n g - l e f t : 1 0 p x ; l i n e - h e i g h t : 3 5 p x ; m a r g i n - b o t t o m : 8 p x ; " b d s f i d = " 9 8 " >