Time Flies
Time flies. I still clearly remember that I just stepped into the high school, with phoenix-like spirit, an eager heart and enthusiasm enough to fly. I intended to use my four years to make my fantastic dreams come true and experience every color of life.
During the high school years, I was in a self-imposed and strict regime to create my best performances. Acedemics, sports, volutnary work, music, dance and so on, whatever I involved in, I tried to make it perfect and reach the highest level. I was on my way togfehetsucess and fulfillment of my goals.
Now I am stepping into college. Looking back to the past four years, although it has been pretty hard, it was also a fruitful experience. I learned a lot, not only from teachers and textbooks, but also from life. I learned how to stay independent and optimistic and transfor
m any setback into opportunity. I learned the secret of success-push yourself to the utmost limits and have faith never giving up.
Thanks to all I have experienced in my high school, I am on the road to success. In future days, no matter where I go, the precious memories will accompany me with.
Time really flies. Although I said goodbye to the high school, I will carry its diligent and brilliant spirit forever.
Time flies and now it’s 2023. People are living with the convenience and benefit that new te
chnologies bring about. Robots and AI devices have become common in our life. With the keen competition, we need to arm ourselves with knowledge in languages, especially the English, to keep up with the modernity.
As a student, language skills are the necessary weapons to open the door to the knowledge sea. English will be of vital importance in the next years. It’s essential to equip ourselves with the ability to utilize language as a bridge between us and the world.
But which one shall we choose? Here I propose a program of learning English that is both effective and easy to follow. Firstly, prioritize the important aspects. Calculate the time you can use to learn languages and then make a plan according to your own abilities and needs.
Do not limit yourself to what is taught in English classes. Different people have their own strategies of learning languages. Learn English by using films, songs, books, gaming and so on.these can make learning English more enjoyable and it can also help us remember them better.
Second, make friends who are good at English. They can give us good advice on language study. Make a list with them to learn on a regular basis. Besides, don’t forget to have a review in what you have learned every time. This can keep our memory fresh and help improve our language skills.
Third, practice is a must. We should practice what we have learned. Try to use the phrases in our own speech. Speak English in the language exchange, participate in debate or writing competitions. Practice makes perfect.
In a word, keep learning, making friends and practice. It is important that we build a strong sense of identity, passion and confidence to learn English. We will no doubt master a satisfactory level of English in 2023.
本文共计 400 字
Time flies and after seven years, the year of 2023 will come. Recently, the following topic has aroused wide attention: The Development of People’s Quality.
At present, with each passing day, our country is getting stronger and stronger. The standard of living is continuously improved and people pay more attention to the quality of their lives. As a result, all kinds of ways to improve people's quality have become hot topics of discussion all over the country.
On one hand, the government pays great attention to the development of education, encouraging people to pursue further education, which is important for a nation, so that people would have healthy personalities and a strong sense of existence and self-realization. People should not only learn hard knowledge, but also temper their personalities, so that they can become people of various capabilities.