  dear all,
  more than 100 years ago, our neighbor japan, through the meiji restoration
of road leading onto the bourgeois, than the overall national strength of china.
thus, once the chinese subsidiary are resource-poor small countries begin
coveted chinese jiangshan magnificent vast territory and abundant resources,
they again and again by force of aggression against china, while our once great
country of at this time can only be allowed to bully, because of their weak we
simply can not carry out a powerful enemy resistance.
  fortunately, justice will eventually defeat evil. from 1937 to 1945, the
chinese people with a full eight years to give the military aggression of
japanese militarism hard to combat, frenzied japanese militarism in solidarity
the people and the chinese all over the world anti-fascist front of the people
of the country has to the tail and bowed her head. therefore, we can say that
anti-fascist war, win the entire chinese nation are a major event in the
history, it is the chinese people settle down, proud of the start, but also the
chinese nation "sick man of east asia" signs, re-stand the nation in the world
forest beginning.
  unfortunately, such a promising start did not go smoothly. civil war, the
小学生英语演讲稿cultural revolution, after the war the whole world especially in asia, much of
the country's economic take-off our first opportunity missed, china's
development has experienced frustrations. although our lives today and has
international status and sixty years ago is quite different, but we are not on
the true meaning of the "big country", our comprehensive national strength with
japan still has a big gap between. it is for this reason, japan has always been
an arrogant attitude towards china, at the sixtieth anniversary of the victory
of the anti-fascist war today, their governments at a correct view of history on
the problem is still ambiguous attitude, prime minister junichiro koizumi's
repeated visits to yasukuni shrine, members of parliament openly deny the
class-a war criminals crimes. comrades, fellow students, please close your eyes,
you heard right, in the war for the country sacrificed their lives for the soul
of the soldiers shouted at, in the war of 35000000含冤而死at the soul of the people
crying ... ...
  say there is a famous saying goes: to forgive, but not to forget. on the
one hand, in the country, national and even personal relations, grievances
things everywhere, such as the heart of no forgiveness, no redress for their
grievances will be translated into phase reported. on the other hand, the
historical facts and should not forget the lessons of history. history will not
be easy to repeat, the new framework of international relations, hysterical
militarism no longer the market. but at the same time we must recognize that the
war more than 60 years ago not far away from us, was the reason why japan and
france blatant and wanton aggression against china, because chinese are totally
weak poor, economically backward, and today, cause of war and disaster cultural
genes, there are still benefits-driven, people need to remain vigilant.
  Hello, everyone! today my topic is cheer for ourmotherland.
  As we all know china is the country that the nation’s economy and people’s
living standard are growing rapidly. and we are someone here, in the east, in
asia, in the whole world. that's because our chinese,our hearts always go with
love and hope.this love and this hope is from the heart of every chinese.it is
deep and strong.
  On may 12th, 20__ , when the earthquake attacked wenchuan , all
chinese--doctors, nurses , soldiers and many many volunteers gave their hands to
provide warmth and hope .
  At 9:17 ,may 8th 20__ . the olympic flame reached the highest point in the
world ,the peak of mt qomolangma .at that time we told the world we made it and
beijing welcome you.
  Chinese people worldwide shared tears and joys for the historical occasion
, we are so excited.
  That moment we are full of hope. the hope is from the confidence of
ourselves. the olympic games have been held successfully in china, shenzhouvii