    Every year, my family and I gather together to celebrate the Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year. One of the highlights of this festive season is the annual reunion dinner, also known as the "年夜饭" (nián yè fàn) in Chinese.
    The preparation for the reunion dinner starts days before the actual event. My mother would meticulously plan the menu, taking into consideration everyone's favorite dishes. She would go to the market to buy the freshest ingredients, including fish, dumplings, chicken, and various vegetables. In Chinese culture, fish symbolizes abundance and prosperity, while dumplings represent wealth and good luck. These dishes are a must-have during the Spring Festival.
    On the day of the reunion dinner, the whole family gathers in the kitchen to help with the cooking. My father would be in charge of cutting the vegetables, my grandmother would be m
aking the dumpling wrappers, and I would assist my mother in preparing the fish. We would chat and laugh as we work, creating a lively atmosphere in the kitchen.
    Once everything is cooked, we set the table with our finest tableware and gather around to enjoy the feast. The aroma of the dishes fills the air, making our mouths water in anticipation. As we eat, we share stories and jokes, catching up on each other's lives. It's a time for bonding and strengthening family ties.
    After the meal, we exchange "红包" (hóng bāo), which are red envelopes filled with money, as a symbol of good fortune and blessings. The younger generation receives these envelopes from the older generation, and it's always exciting to see how much money we receive. It's a tradition that brings joy and excitement to everyone, especially the children.
2015年春节    在年夜饭当天,全家人聚集在厨房里帮忙做饭。我爸爸负责切菜,奶奶负责包饺子皮,我则帮助妈妈准备鱼。我们一边工作一边聊天笑,营造出厨房里热闹的氛围。