    As an aunt who comes to your house to take care of your child, I understand the importance of communication and language development. Therefore, I will make sure to use both English and Chinese when interacting with your child.
    English Answer:
    First of all, I believe that using English with your child can be beneficial for their language skills. English is a widely spoken language around the world, and it is important for your child to be exposed to it from an early age. By speaking English with your child, I can help them develop their vocabulary, pronunciation, and overall fluency in the language.
    For example, during playtime, I can engage your child in conversations using English. We can play with toys and describe what we are doing, such as "I am building a tower with blocks" or "Let's count the number of cars we have." By incorporating English into their daily
activities, your child will naturally pick up the language and become more comfortable using it.