A: Oh no! My phone just died. 1.                                        ? 
B: Of course! Here you are.
A: 2.                                        I'll only be a minute.
( Some minutes later )
A: A lot of thanks again. I was calling my mom.3                           
B: Great! I hear your mom is really nice.
A: Yes, she really is. But my mom is talkative. She talks to everybody,even people who she doesn't know.
B: Wow! That's interesting. OK. 4.                                        ?
A: My dad is very funny. But I don't think he knows he 's very funny.
B:5.                                        . Sounds like a nice family.
A: Yeah. I think so too.
(2019.铁岭改编)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。(5小题,每小题2分, 共10分)
A: Hello, Tom. You look upset. 1.                                       
B: I can't decide whether I should take part in our school art festival.
A: 2.                                                ?
B: For the celebration of National Day.
A: Oh, I see. When will the festival begin?
B: I'll begin on September 25th.
A: I know you're good at singing. 3.                                      ?
B: Great idea! 4                                          ?
A: How about I love you, China?
B: It's too difficult. I'm afraid I can't sing it well.
A: 5.                                              .You have a long time to practice it well.
B: I agree with you.
三、(2019 .抚顺)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整(5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
A: Hi, Wang Hai.1.                                            ?
B: Not bad. What about you?
A: Pretty good. I'm learning tennis in a club.
B: Tennis?
A: Yes, but I'm not very good at it now.
B: Well. 2.                                              ?
A: Every weekend. I's very interesting and relaxing. Do you want to go with me?
B: 3.                                              .But I'm very busy next weekend.
A: 4.                                    ?
B: My cousin is coming. I'm going to take her to Legao Water World.
A: That's a good place. 5.                                              .
B: Thank you.
A: Hello, this is Tim. May I speak to Bob?
B: Speaking, Tim.
A: Hi, Bob. 1.                                      ?
B: Yes, I have nothing to do tomorrow afternoon. What's up?
A: I have two tickets for the basketball game tomorrow. 2                       
B: Yes, I'd love to. I am always expecting to watch a basketball game. 3   
A: My brother bought two tickets for me yesterday.
B: 4.                                                ?
A: Sixty yuan for each.
B: Great! What time shall we meet?
A: 5.                                                .
B: Five o'clock? OK, see you then.
A: See you.
二、(2019 .陕西)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。(5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
A: Hello. Could I speak to Linda?
B: This is Linda speaking. 1.                                            ?
A: Yes, it's John here. Linda, we had a good time at the school party last night. But it's a pity you didn't come. 2.                                          ?
B: I had a headache. My parents went on business, so I took some medicine and went to bed early.
A: 3.                                                .How are you feeling now?
B: I'm still feeling terrible now. I feel cold and cough a lot.
A: I'm afraid you've had a bad cold. 4.                                      .
Let me take you to Center Hospital.
B: All right. 5.                                                 ?
A: Let's meet at the gate of your neighborhood. I'll call you as soon as I get there.
B: OK. See you later.
A: See you!
A: Good morning, Jenny!
B: Morning, Linda!
A:1.                                            ?
B: It was great. But it's a pity that you didn't come yesterday.
A: Thanks for inviting me to your birthday party, but I'm sorry that I had a bad cold.
B: 2.                                      . How are you feeling now?