Welcome Unit
1.design vt.&n.设计→n.设计者
2.anxious adj.焦虑的;不安的→adv.焦虑地→n.焦虑
3.annoy vt.使恼怒→adj.恼怒的→adj.令人恼怒的→n.恼怒
4.frighten vt.使害怕→adj.惊吓的→adj.令人害怕的
5.impress vt.给……留下深刻的好印象n.印象;感想→adj.令人印象深刻的
6.confident adj.自信的→n.信心;信任
7.organise vt.组织;筹备→n.组织;团体→n.组织者
8.improve vi.&vt.改进;改善n.提高;改善
9.curious adj.好奇的→adv.好奇地→n.好奇
1.at last
2.make an impression
3.what if
4.concentrate on
6.junior high school
7.look forward to
8.take notes

4.adj.级别(或地位)高的 njunior是什么意思.较年长的人
9.adj.地位(或职位、级别)低下的 n.职位较低者
12.n.光;信号 vi.&vt.(使)闪耀;发出(信号)

1.With the noise going, we can’t concentrate ________our studies.
2.All candidates have to undergo a ________ (personal) test.
3.Grandpa is looking forward ________another birthday.
4.His trip to India made a strong ________(impress) on him.
5.He got ________(annoy), saying it wasn’t his fault if he couldn’t play as well as me.
6.What ____________ we lack money to finish the project, as time is limited?
7.Most of the food for the homeless in the area is provided by a voluntary ________(organize).
8.There was an announcement that Flight 303 would be postponed due to the foggy weather, which made many people feel ________(anxiety).
9.The little girl felt ________ (frighten) at the sight of the dinosaur.
10.The new bridge________ (design) by the end of last month.
11.Moreover, practising tai chi has inspired him ________(explore) the Chinese culture behind it.
12.The children all have very different ________(person).
13.Your encouragement makes me more ______(confidence) of the coming interview. 
14.Out of_____(curious), Alice ran after the rabbit.
15.The old man stood up and moved _____ (awkward) to the kitchen.
16.A marriage without ________(register)is not recognized by law.
17.I spent the whole weekend ________ (revise) for my exam.
18.________ last the firefighters put out the fire in the supermarket, which broke out at ten this morning.
19.They were given food and money in exchange ____________a week’s work.
20.You should fill in this application form very carefully and put down your ___________(national) in this blank.
21.Hearing the __________noise in the library, he felt quite _________.(annoy)
22.It is necessary for every student to take ________ (note) in class.
23.We will be at Baker Street at 8:00 am, and we are looking forward to ________ (see) you there.
24.Since reindeer were always on the move, the Sami would pick up their tents and keep them________(accompany).
25.Space ________(explore) is not an endless circling of Earth; it is going to other worlds.
26.After ________(revise) for several times, his report has become nearly fantastic.
27.What’s your ______ (nation)? In other words, which country are you from?
28.He is a fashion________ (design), who concentrates on original (原创的) works.
29.Each of us can not leave ________ other people’s work and lives along in a civilized society.
30.The confusing matters make him unable______(concentrate) on his study.
31.According to the survey, three in ten drivers have experienced an accident for lack of ________ (concentrate) while driving.