听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
1. Where are the speakers probably(大概)now?
A. In the library.    B. In the park.  C. In the restaurant.
2. Which subject does the boy. like best?
A. English.            B. Math.    C. Science.
3. How long is the bed?
A. 1.8 meters.        B. 2 meters        C. 2. 2 meters.
4. Who will dance to disco at Jim's birthday party?
A. Tony.                B. Mike.        C. Li Mei. 
5. What was the weather like in the mountains?
A. Cool.            B. Hot.          C. Cloudy.
听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的AB, C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听下面一段对话, 回答第6 至第7两个小题。
6. What's the matter with Maria?
A. Her leg got hurt.    B. Her head got hurt.    C. Her right hand got hurt
7. What should Maria do next time?
A. She should enjoy herself.  B. She should be careful.    C. She should walk to school.
听下面一段对话, 回答第8至第9两个小题。
8. Where is No. 4 Junior High School?
A. It's on your right.  B. It's at the second crossing.  C. It's next to the subway station.
9. Which bus goes to No4 Junior High School?
A. The No. 2 bus.  B. The No. 4 bus.  C. The No. 6 bus.
听下面一段独白, 回答第10至第12三个小题。
10. Where was Helen Keller born?
A. In Japan.    B. In America.  C. In England.
11. How old was she when there was something wrong with her?
A. Two.      B. Four.  C. Seven.
12. How do you like her teacher?
A. Beautiful.    B. Wonderful.  C. Interesting.
听下面一段对话, 回答第13至第15三个小题。
13. Whom does the man want to buy a gift for?
A. His friend.    B. His father.    C. His mother.
14. Why doesn't the man like the red bag?
A. Because it is too big.   
B. Because he doesn't like the color.
C. Because it is too expensive(昂贵的)for him.
15. How much is the blue and black bag?
A. $ 9.    B. $ 10.    C. $ 15.
16. __________ 17. __________ 18. __________ 19. ___________ 20. __________
Ben and Lucy go to the sea(海)with their mom and dad. Their dog Risha goes with them, too. Ben takes a toy boat(船)and Lucy takes her toy cat, Alice.
The children make a big sandcastle(沙堡)first. Their dad helps them. The sandcastle is
nice. Then Risha sees a big jellyfish(水母)in the water. The children and their mom go to see the jellyfish, but their dad doesn’t. He goes to buy some ice-cream.
A big wave(海浪)comes. It washes(冲走)the sandcastle and the boat with Alice into the sea. Ben sees the boat and tells his mom, “Mom, Mom! Our boat! It’s in the sea! Alice is on the boat!” Risha sees the boat, too. She runs(跑)into the water and swims(游)to the boat. She takes the boat with Alice and swims back. “Great!” say the children.
Dad comes back. Lucy tells him what Risha did. “Where is our hero? Risha, this is your ice-cream,” says Dad. He gives her some ice-cream. Risha is happy. She eats the ice-cream and runs to play with the children.
21.What do Ben and Lucy do first by the sea?
A.They make a sandcastle.    B.They watch the jellyfish.
C.They eat some ice-cream.    D.They play with their toys.
22.What does Ben do after he sees his boat in the water?
A.He runs to his dad.    B.He swims to the boat.
C.He tells his mom about it.    D.He asks his sister to get the boat back.
23.Who takes the boat back?
A.Dad.    B.Mom.    C.Lucy.    D.Risha.
24.The underlined(下划线)word “hero” means ______ in Chinese.
A.指挥    B.英雄    C.向导    D.教练
25.What can we know from the material(材料)?
A.Risha likes to play with Alice.    B.Risha likes swimming very much.
C.Ben’s mom helps make the sandcastle.    D.Ben’s dad gives some ice-cream to Risha.
The Whites are French(法国人), now they are in Nanjing. This is their first visit to China. ___26____ They want to visit some big cities. ____27____
Mr. White is a doctor. ___28____ She is visiting a middle school near Nanjing. Their son, Jim, is a middle school student.     29    and he likes to speak French with them.
They take a lot of photos in China. When they are back in France, they are going to show the photos to Mrs. White’s students. ____30____
A.Mrs. White is a teacher.
B.They want to learn Chinese, too.
C.He meets some Chinese students.
D.They would like to be in China for two weeks.
E.They want the students in France to know more about China.
There are different kinds of animals in the zoo. We see the zookeeper (动物园管理员) give them food to _____31_____. They don’t have to find ____32_____ by themselves. _____33_____ can eat, walk and play all day. So many of us may think the animals _____34_____ happy. _____35_____ most of them are sad (悲伤的). Why? They’re _____36_____ free.