As a friend, I have known him since we were in junior high school. 作为他的朋友,我和他自初中时代就相识。
He is a person full of optimism and always has a bright smile on his face. 他是一个充满乐观主义的人,总是面带灿烂的微笑。junior是什么意思
Even in the face of setbacks or challenges, he never loses his faith and remains resilient. 即使面对挫折或挑战,他也从不失去信念,始终坚韧不拔。
His positivity and determination are contagious, inspiring those around him to keep going no matter what. 他的积极态度和坚定决心是一种感染力,激励着周围的人不管遇到什么困难都要坚持下去。
Despite his own struggles and hardships, he always puts others first and lends a helping hand whenever needed. 尽管他自己也经历了各种困难和苦难,但他总是把他人放在第一位,随时伸出援手。
His unwavering kindness and empathy towards others make him a truly admirable and trustworthy friend. 他对他人的坚定善良和同情心使他成为一个真正令人钦佩且值得信赖的朋友。