    I remember when I was in my first year of junior high school, everything was new and exciting for me. It was a big transition from elementary school, and I was both nervous and eager to start this new chapter of my life.
    One of the things that stands out to me about my first year of junior high school is the friendships I made. I met so many new people from different backgrounds and with different interests. We would hang out during lunch breaks, chat about our favorite TV shows, and share our dreams for the future. One of my closest friends was Lily. She was always there for me, and we had so much fun together. We even had a secret handshake that we would do whenever we saw each other in the hallways.
    Another memorable aspect of my first year of junior high school was the variety of subjects we studied. We had English, math, science, history, and so much more. I particularly enjoyed
junior是什么意思our English class because our teacher, Mr. Johnson, made it so engaging and interactive. He would often use idioms and expressions in his lessons, which made learning English more fun. One of my favorite idioms he taught us was "the early bird catches the worm." It means that those who arrive early and are prepared have a better chance of success. I still use this idiom today!