    The leaves of the osmanthus tree are known for their unique characteristics. Firstly, the shape of the leaves is elongated and oval, with a pointed tip. The edges of the leaves are serrated, giving them a jagged appearance. The color of the leaves is a vibrant shade of green, which adds to their visual appeal.
    In addition to their shape and color, the texture of the osmanthus leaves is also worth mentioning. When you touch the leaves, you will notice that they are smooth and glossy. This smoothness is due to the presence of a waxy layer on the surface of the leaves. This waxy layer not only gives the leaves a shiny appearance but also helps to protect them from excessive moisture loss.
桂花树的作文    Another interesting feature of the osmanthus leaves is their fragrance. When the leaves are crushed or rubbed, they release a delightful scent that is often described as sweet and
floral. This fragrance is one of the reasons why the osmanthus tree is highly valued in traditional Chinese culture. The leaves are often used to make tea or added to various dishes to enhance their flavor.
    Furthermore, the osmanthus leaves have a long lifespan. They can stay on the tree for several years before falling off. This longevity is attributed to the durability of the leaves, which are able to withstand various weather conditions. Even during the harsh winter months, when many other trees lose their leaves, the osmanthus tree remains adorned with its green foliage.