昌吉学院                                    论文(设计)分类号:
本科毕业论文(设计)                        密        级:
系    院 初等教育学院      
学科门类 教育学            
专    业 学前教育        
班    级 B1603           
学    号 1*********        
姓    名 苏比努尔·热卡提江
指导教师 父亲和女儿 胡厶瑜  消防安全内容        奥秘造句
教师职称 未评定           
声明人签名:     祝孩子生日快乐                            导师签名:
摘  要
关键词奥尔夫; 教学法;  幼儿园;  音乐教育;  现状调查
Orff's music education method is one of the most famous and influential music education systems in the 20th century. Orff's music education method takes "appeal to sensibility, return to humanism" as the basic education principle. Based on creativity, originality and practicality, Orff's music education method advocates the idea of combining human instinct with music, language and behavior. Orff's music education system starts from mu
sic itself and becomes the core of soul. "It's not my textbooks, it's my ideas that go around the world," Karl Orff added As the beginning of lifelong education, preschool education is a very important enlightenment education. For all children, the good and bad of preschool education is also related to the future development, and the habits, character and nature formed in this stage affect the whole life and can not be discarded. For our country, preschool teaching is only based on the traditional teaching mode, in the form of "nursery". However, with the deepening of reform and opening up, China's economic development is rapid, people's living standards and ideological education are also constantly improving, and people are slowly not satisfied with the current teaching mode, which makes the advanced and diversified teaching mode like Orff music teaching system get further development space in China.The main object of this paper is to take yuqiwusitang central kindergarten in Kuche County as an example to investigate Orff's music teaching method in kindergarten education. This paper investigates the conditions, contents and effects of Orff's teaching method in kindergartens. It shows that the teaching facilities are poor and the teaching contents are relatively simple. It puts forward to improv
e the professional quality of preschool teachers, improve the implementation conditions of teaching activities and enrich the contents and methods of music teaching.
Key words: Orff teaching method; preschool music education; yuqiwu Sitang central kindergarten