    Autumn, also known as fall, is a season filled with vibrant colors and cozy vibes. The air becomes crisp and cool, and the leaves on the trees transform into a beautiful array of red, orange, and yellow. It's a time when nature prepares for the cold winter ahead.
    During autumn, I love taking long walks in the park, enjoying the crunch of fallen leaves beneath my feet. The sound is so satisfying, like stepping on a bag of potato chips. It's also the perfect time to go apple picking. There's nothing quite like biting into a freshly picked apple and tasting its sweet and tangy flavor.
    In autumn, people often gather for harvest festivals and enjoy delicious seasonal treats. Pumpkin pie, roasted chestnuts, and hot apple cider are just a few examples. These foods not only warm the body but also warm the heart, as they bring people together in celebration.
    The weather in autumn can be unpredictable, with sunny days turning into chilly evenings.
This is when we say, "Don't like the weather? Just wait a minute!" It's a reminder to always be prepared for sudden changes. We also use the phrase "fall back" to remind ourselves to set our clocks back one hour when daylight saving time ends.
描写秋天的词语有哪些    In autumn, we also witness the migration of birds as they fly south for the winter. It's a sight to behold, as hundreds of birds fill the sky in a V-formation. We often say, "Birds of a feather flock together," meaning that people with similar interests or backgrounds tend to stick together.