    Helping others can sometimes lead to unexpected consequences, such as being blamed or criticized for our actions. It is unfortunate that some people choose to bite the hand that feeds them, but it is a reality that we must face. When this happens, it can be disheartening and discouraging, but it should not deter us from continuing to lend a helping hand.
    One example of being bitten after helping someone is when I offered to lend a friend some money. They were in a tough financial situation and I wanted to help them out. However, instead of being grateful, they accused me of trying to control their life and belittled my gesture. It was hurtful to be treated this way, especially when I genuinely wanted to assist them.
    Another instance is when I volunteered my time to help organize a charity event. I put in countless hours of work, sacrificing my personal time and energy for a cause I believed in. H
owever, instead of appreciation, some individuals criticized my efforts, claiming that I could have done better or that I had ulterior motives. It was frustrating to face such unwarranted negativity, especially when my intentions were pure.