    Helping others is a noble act that not only benefits the person being helped but also brings a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction to the one offering assistance. I have witnessed many instances where my classmates have gone out of their way to help others, and their actions have left a lasting impression on me.
    One of my classmates, let's call her Lily, is known for her kindness and willingness to lend a helping hand. One day, during a science experiment, a fellow student accidentally spilled a chemical on their hand. Without hesitation, Lily rushed to their aid, assisting them in washing off the chemical and providing first aid. Her quick thinking and calm demeanor helped prevent any further harm, and the student was incredibly grateful for her assistance.
    Another classmate, John, is always ready to help his peers with their academics. He excels in math and is known for his patience in explaining complex concepts to others. When
ever someone is struggling with a math problem, they know they can turn to John for guidance. He takes the time to break down the problem step by step, ensuring that his classmates understand the solution. His willingness to help has not only helped his peers improve their grades but has also fostered a supportive and collaborative learning environment in our class.