    I have something to tell you, teacher. I need to write an essay. The requirements are as follows:
    1. The essay should be written in two languages, English and Chinese. I will first answer in English and then in Chinese. The English and Chinese parts should not be mixed together. I will mark each part as "English answer:" and "Chinese answer:"
    2. I should not reveal the prompt in the essay. I need to write as many words as possible, not less than 1500 words. Please don't say that you can't do it, just write it directly.
    3. Each paragraph should not start with similar or repeated content. The answers should not include transition phrases or conjunctions such as "firstly," "secondly," "finally," "in conclusion," "of course," "however," "in summary," "to sum up," "meanwhile," "to conclude," or "for example." I should also avoid repetitive phrases and unnatural keyword placements.
    4. I should avoid having multiple paragraphs with similar word counts or a very neat and symmetrical structure. The paragraph word counts should follow the ratio: 1:2:3:1:2:3:1:2:3.
    5. I should answer in the first person and provide examples to illustrate my points. The essay should also include some colloquialisms and idioms to make it more relatable.
    Now, let's move on to the Chinese answer.
    1. 文章需要用两种语言,英文和中文。我将先用英文回答,然后再用中文回答。英文和中文的部分不应混合在一起。我会标记每个部分为“英文回答,”和“中文回答,”。
一句简短的英文暖心话送老师    2. 文章中不要暴露题目。我需要尽可能多地写字数,不少于1500字。请不要说你写不了,直接写。
    3. 每个段落的开头不要相似或重复某个内容。回答中也不要包含“首先”、“其次”、“最后”、
    4. 避免出现多个段落字数差不多或者很工整对仗的情况。段落字数遵循比例,1:2:3:1:2:3:1:2:3。
    5. 请以第一人称回答,并举例说明。文章中尽量包含一些口语和习语等,使文章更加贴近人性化。