Our third-grade English class is putting on a story performance next week, and I am both nervous and excited. 这周我们三年级的英语课要上一场故事表演,我既紧张又兴奋。
We have been practicing our lines and movements for weeks, and it's finally coming together. 我们已经练习了好几周的台词和动作,现在终于要表演了。
I have a small role in the play, but I want to do my best to make it memorable. 我在这部剧中只有一个小角,但我想要尽力让它令人难忘。
The story we are performing is about a group of animals who work together to solve a problem, and it teaches us the importance of teamwork. 我们要表演的故事是关于一动物共同努力解决问题的,它教导我们团队合作的重要性。
I have been practicing my lines at home in front of my family, and they have been supportive and encouraging. 在家里,我已经在家人面前练习了我的台词,他们一直给予我支持和鼓励。
I have also been working on my costume, trying to make it look as authentic as possible. 我也一直在制作我的服装,尽可能让它看起来更加真实。
I know that I will be nervous when it's time to go on stage, but I also know that my classmates will be there to support me. 我知道当我上台表演的时候我会很紧张,但我也知道我的同学们会在那里支持我。