1 at, in, on用于表示年、月、日或某一时刻
Classes begin at eight. 八点开始上课They usually have supper at six.他们通常六点钟吃晚饭。
Something terrible happened on September 11, 2001.2001年9月11日发生了恐怖事件。
They still have classes on Saturday.他们在星期六仍然上课。
例如:on Sunday 在星期日
on Saturday morning 在周六早晨
例如:in summer在夏季;  in 1992 在一九九二年; in May在五月
  in the morning  在上午          in the evening  在晚上注意:①泛指上、下午和晚上时,用in;特指某一日上、下午或 晚上,用 on
in the evening 在晚上        on Sunday evening 在周日晚上
②在this, last, next, every等词之前不可以再加任何介词。
this evening 今晚,that morning 那天早晨  last Monday 上周一,next year 明年
every week 每星期,every spring 每年春天
2 before, after用于表示时间前后
before:表示“在……之前” (可作介词,也可作连词)
Susan went to school before seven this morning.
We must move these boxes into the house before it rains.
Come to my office after class. 下课以后,到我办公室来一趟。(作介词)
Mr. White often goes out for a walk after supper. 怀特先生经常晚饭后出去散步。(作介词)
Let's go home together after the meeting is over. 开完会以后咱们一块儿回家。(after作连词)
3 by, until(till)用于表示期限
How many lessons had you learned by the end of last week?到上周末,你们学了多少课了?
I had not got anything to eat by then.在那以前,我没有吃任何东西。
I didn't fall asleep until two o'clock last night.我昨夜里直到两点钟才睡着觉。
His father didn't join the Party until 1990.他父亲一直到1990年才入党。
You may wait here for me until I come back.你要在这里等着我‘直到我回来。(until是连词)
My father didn't buy me a bike until last week.(buy为点动词,所以用否定式)
You can keep this book till next month.这本书你可以借到下个月。(keep延续动词,用肯定式)
4 for, during, through用于表示期间(多长时间)
She has stayed here for half an hour.她已经在这里呆了半小时了。
I will be with you at the airport for a little while.我和你在机场只能呆一小会儿。
What are you going to do during the holidays?放假期间你打算做什么?
He lost his right leg during the war.战争期间他失去了右腿。
提示:for的后面常接表示天数、时间等等数字名词;而 during 之后不能接表示数字名词。
People there always play Majzang through the night.那里人老是通宵打麻将牌。
They live and work there through the whole year.他们整年工作和居住在那里。
5 from since
from常与to构成词组,表示“从……开始到……结束”; She was waiting for you here from eight to ten yesterday.昨天她在这里等你从八点到十点。
The conference will be held from September 12 to September 15 in New York.
Mr. Li has kept this painting since 1950.自一九五○年以来,李先生一直保存着这张画。
I have been here since nine this morning.我从今天早晨九点钟一直在这里。
Susan has already made a lot of friends since she came to China last year.(since作连词)
6 in, within
in:多用于将来时(一般将来时和过去将来时),表示“过……之后”。如in ten minutes(十分钟
之后),in two weeks(两周以后)等。
Mr. Pierce will arrive in Beijing in two days.皮尔斯先生将于两天之后到达北京。
She said she would return home in a week.她说她将于一周后回国。
within:在某一时间段之内;不超过……范围。如:within half an hour(在半小时之内)。
within the vocation(在假期内)
He must reach the railway station within ten minutes.他必须在十分钟之内赶到火车站。
表示地点介词有:at, on, in, by, under, near, between, beside, next to, in front of等。
表示方向介词有:into, out of, along, to, for, across, through等。
1 at, in
at:用于表示比较狭小below反义词的地点,不强调空间范围。意为在某地点。如:at home(在家),at the bus stop(在汽车站)。I'll wait for you at Xisi No.22 bus--stop tomorrow.
in:用于表示比较宽敞的地点,强调空间和地域。意思是在某地。如:in the U.S.A(在 美国),in the world(在世界上),in the street(在街上)等。Were you born in Shanghai?
注意:arrive in后接比较大的地方,如大城市、国家等;arrive at 后接比较小地方,如村庄、学校、工厂、机场等。
2 in, to
Shanghai lies in the east of China.上海在中国东部。
My house is in the north of the city Beijing.我家在北京城北部。
Japan lies to the east of China.日本位于中国东部。
Tianjin lies to the east of Beijing.天津在北京东边。
3 on, under, over, above, below
There are many pictures on the wall.墙上有许多画。
My seat is on the left of mother.我的座位在妈妈左边。
She is now living in a flat above the post office.她现在住在邮局上面一个单元房里。
The plane was flying above Himalayas.飞机那时正飞越喜马拉雅山。
A crow just flew over his house.一只乌鸦刚好从他家房上飞过。
The boys jumped over a stream one after another.孩子们一个个地从小溪上方一跃而过。
below:表示“在……的下方”,但不一定是正下方。below 是 above 反义词。
Below the windows of her flat is a freemarket.在她的房子的窗户下面是一个自由市场。
The temperature tonight will fall below zero.今夜气温将下降到零度以下。
under:表示“在……的正下方”,即垂直的下方。under 反义词是 over。
Under the chair there is a cat sleeping.椅子下面有一只猫在睡觉。
①遍及:all over the country(world)  全国(世界)
②超过:相当于more than。He is over 40.③在那边;越过
over there 在那儿
4 in front of, behind
in front of:在……前面,其反义词是behind。
There is a river in front of the house.房子前面有一条河。比较:in the front of与in front of 和before 区别
①in the front of与in front of具有不同的含义。前者表示 在某一范围之内的前部,后者表示某一范围之外前面。
The teacher is standing in the front of the classroom.老师正站在教室前部。(在教室之内)
The teacher is standing in front of the classroom.老师正站在教室前面。(在教室之外)
②in front of和before都含有“在……之前”意思,但当表示地点时,用in front of而不用before。例如:in front of the gate(在大门外),而不说before the gate。
5 at, by, beside, next to, near
at, by, beside都表示“在……旁边”。
They are sitting at the table and having a meal happily.他们坐在桌子边,愉快地吃着饭。
The man sat by the river, looking at the boats passing on the river.
She came over and sat beside me.她过来坐在了我旁边。
near 表示“在……附近”。距离要比 by 和 next to 远。near=not far,与 far 是反义词。
Is there a hospital near our school?我们学校附近有医院吗?
next to:意思是“紧靠……旁边”,“邻近”。
The house next to yours is empty.你们隔壁那房子没有住人。
6 between, among, around
The girl in the photo is sitting between her father and mother.照片上的姑娘坐在她父亲和母亲之间。
The Mediterranean is just between Europe and Africa.地中海就在欧洲和非洲之间。
That town is among the mountains.那个小镇在山之中。
They were singing and dancing around a fire to celebrate their festival.