  有人照字直译为:As the water level sinks, the stones are exposed。
  All secrets may eventually come tolight. (所有祕密最后总会曝光。)
  Eventually, every secret will bedisclosed。
  有人译成:Fire is the test of gold;adversity is the test of friendship。
  Liquor brings out a person's truecolor。(烈酒能显示一个人真正的特)
  Wine reveals a person's true heart。
  By a long road, we know a horse's strength;at times of difficulty, we discover a friend's true character。
  The thunder roars loudly, but little rain falls. 或者说:All we hear is thunder, but no rain falls。
  Actions speak louder than words. (行动胜于言谈)
  或All we hear is words, but there is no action. (只动嘴不动手)
  或Actions and words should go hand in hand. (言行必须一致)
  An empty barrel makes biggest sound。(空洞的话说得太多了。)
  A man can not be known by his look, nor can the ocean be measured by a dipper。
  A man can not be judged by his appearance, nor can the water in the sea bemeasured by a bucket。
  We can not judge a person by appearance only. 或 You can notjudge a book by its cover。
  有人译成 If you neglect study when you are young, what may happento your old age?
  这句问句会把老外问得云里雾里,因为他们沒有“学而优则仕”的思想,也不认为功课差,将来就会伤悲。他们劝告子女经常说的是Studying / working hard can lead you to a brighter / morepromising future. (努力用功会带给你光明的前程。)
  Study hard when you are young. It willpay off when you get older. (年轻时好好努力,到老的时就会觉得学有所值。)
  He who teaches me for one day is myfather for life。
  If you are my teacher for even one day,you will be my teacher (mentor) all my life。
  He who teaches me may be considered myfather-figure for life。
  Teach others to fish and they will fishfor a lifetime. (授人以鱼,不如授人以渔)
  Give a man fish, he will have a meal;teach him to fish, he will have food all his life。
  One who stays near vermilion getsstained red, and one who stays near ink gets stained black. (vermilion 是朱砂或鲜红的意思)
  When you touch black, you become black;when you touch red, you become red。
  One takes the behavior of one'scompany. (一个人的行为,往往受到朋友的影响。) 或
  One takes on the attributes of one'sassociates. (attributes 复数時是指品质、特性;associates 指朋友、同事)
  Watch the company you keep! (小心交朋友!)
  As he who lies with dogs will ride withfleas, how could your son learn anything good by mixing with those people? (你儿子跟那些人混在一起,能学出个好来?)
(1)They were patiently listening to him. 他们在耐心地听他讲。
(2)He quickly stood up. 他很快地站起来。
(3)I will gladly join you in the work. 我会乐意地和你一起工作。
This is a NATO matter and any comment on it should appropriately come from NATO.
将appropriately come from NATO译成“合适地来自北约”显然不通。从意义上看,appropriately与其说是
Law enforcement cannot responsibly stand aloof.
1. In the late 14th century, Marco Polo famously made his way along trade routes from Italy to China.
2. Their commander wisely judged to be safer in their works than in the field.
3. Chimpanzees are the animals closest biologically to humans. 从生物学角度看,大猩猩与人的关系最亲近。
4. Tami said it was possible, just statistically unlikely. 泰米说有这样的可能,但是从统计的角度来看又不太可能。
5. The second child she dreamed of might now be medically impossible. 她本来还想要一个孩子,从医学角度来看,现在是不可能了。
6. Only 18 percent are officially unemployed. 据官方统计,只有18%的人是失业者。
7. Real-estate prices in downtown Manhattan looked prohibitively expensive. 市中心曼哈顿的房价贵得使人望而生畏。
8. She was remarkably silent when the others all talked and laughed. 别人有说有笑时她却沉默不语,显得很突出。
9. It was a vast and treacherous landscape, but breath-takingly beautiful. 这是一片广阔而变幻莫测的景致,但却美得令人惊讶。
10. A schoolmaster, finding such errors in a schoolboy's essay, would be justly indignant. 校长在小学生的作文里发现这样的错误一定会生气,这不是没有道理的。
11. Voters were understandably confused by the identical Caser names on the ballot, and the split vote sent the real candidate Caser down to defeat in the
12. The sleek turbines of the American windmills made economic and ecological sense. 美国造了许多风力磨坊,这从经济和生态角度看是有道理的。
13. Now we stay a respectful distance from him. 当然不能将a respectful distance译为“尊敬的距离”,应将这一句译成“我们对他敬而远之”。
14. He had a sound feeling that idioms were the backbone of a language and he was all for the racy phrases. 他感到习语是语言的主要支柱,因此特别主张用生动的短语,他的想法是很有道理的。
15. The prisoners of war are allowed to write censored letter. 战俘们可以写信,但信件要受到检查。
16. We should be very cautious when buying expensive things and ask ourselves if we are making a wise purchase. 我们在买贵重的东西时一定要小心,问问自己买这样的东西是否明智。
又如:I wouldn't have eaten it, only I'm too ladylike to take it out of my mouth. 这一句中的ladylike很难用一个中文词来表达,其意思是“像个有教养的女人那样”。这一句不妨译成:“我本来不想吃,只是觉得再从嘴里拿出来不太雅观。”
  如果有天一个外国朋友跟你说了一个劲爆消息,于是你问他从哪里听到的,他说:"A little bird told me."什么?小鸟告诉的?如果你这么想,那可就闹笑话啦!来看看这些最容易理解错误的话,你猜对几句了呢?
That house is really A-1.
  A bull of Bushman woke the sleeping child with his noise。
  [说明]a bull of Bushman 是习语,意为“大嗓门的人”。
  Even a hair of the dog didn't make him feel better。
  [说明]a [the] hair of the dog (that bit one)是口语,意为“用以解宿醉的一杯酒”。
  Is he a Jonah?
  [说明]a Jonah喻意为“带来厄运的人”。
  Jim is fond of a leap in the dark。
  [说明]a leap in the dark 是习语(名词短语),意为“冒险行事,轻举妄动”。
  A little bird told me the news。
  [说明]a little bird told me是口语,意为“消息灵通人士告诉我,有人私下告诉我”。
  It is a nice kettle of fish! I have a stomachache。
  [说明]a nice [pretty,fine] kettle of fish 是口语, 意为“乱七八糟,非常混乱,一塌糊涂,处境困难,糟糕通顶”。
  Glen spent a small fortune on a tour round the world。
  [说明]a small fortune是口语,意为“大笔钱,巨资”。
  Bruce was taken up above the salt。
  [说明]盐在古代是一种贵重商品。到了伊丽莎白时代,王公贵族们的餐桌上都摆着一个很大的盐罐,贵宾坐在盐罐的上首(above the salt),而普通客人、穷亲远戚则坐在离盐罐较远的地方(below the salt)。因此above the salt就有了“坐上席,受尊重”的意思。
  These commercial transactions are aboveboard。
  [说明]aboveboard可作形容词和副词,意为“光明磊落的/地,诚实的 /地,公开的/地”。
  Colin is absent in Shanghai。
  [说明]one + be absent in + 地点,意为“……去……了,不在此处”。
  I only used Accent for soup。
  [说明]Accent 是“味精”之意(来自美国一种味精之商标名)。在美国,表达“味精”时,用Accent远多于monosodium glutamate。
  We should call him Adam。
  [原意] 我们应叫他的名字。
  Donna can sing after a fashion。
  [说明]after a fashion 是习语(介词短语,作状语),意为“多少,勉强,略微地”。
  Her opinion is all my eye。
  [说明]all my eye是英国俚语,意为“胡说八道,瞎说,鬼话”等