On the day of May 12th, the hearts of the Chinese people were in tears!
It is a good weather in the afternoon, Sichuan Wenchuan each family in each family can enjoy a happy time, but they do not know the bad luck has quietly come to them, if it is eyeing them, in the afternoon the clock went to 2:28, with a loud "bang" sound, there was a earthquake magnitude reached 7. Level 8. The house collapsed just as the people did not come and what was the reaction. I can't believe my eyes are clear, is this the beautiful and lovely Sichuan? Before the mountain where? Former
传递爱心Where is the city of harmony? Why is there only a frighten look in the eyes now?
I think after the earthquake, many people saw on television, a lot of Sichuan Wenchuan after the earthquake scene, of course, I also see: in the past one week after the earthquake, while rescue workers when trying to find survivors, suddenly, a rescue workers found in the soil what if when something hard, the rescuers immediately called other rescue workers digging t
ogether, about two hours or so, rescue workers were surprised to find that this is personal, because buried in there too long into the sculpture, the sculpture is a mother holding a girl. With his body to block the collapse of things, how great is the mother, in order to protect her daughter, do not give up until the end.
I hope everyone will give a love, warm the heart of the people of Sichuan, I think in the near future, Sichuan will be more beautiful, more lovely!