1. 感谢热情接待;
2. 阐明礼物意义;
3. 邀请其来中国。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
When I arrived at in the large hospital kitchen, Rose was already checking name tags on the trays (托盘).
Hi, I'm Janet."I tried to sound cheerful, although I already knew Rose's reputation for being impossible to work with. "I'm scheduled to work with you this week."
Rose stopped what she was doing and peered over her reading glasses. I could tell from her expression she wasn't pleased to sec a student worker.
高三英语作文“What do you want me to do? Start the coffee?”I asked.
Rose coldly nodded and went back to checking name tags.
I filled the 40-cup pot with water and began making the coffee when Rose yelled, “That’s not the way to make coffee.”She stepped in and took over.
Nothing I did pleased her. All morning, her eagle eyes missed nothing and her sharp words hurt.
Totally exhausted, I trudged the six blocks home late that June afternoon. As a third year university student working my way through school, I had never before met anyone like Rose.
Fighting back tears, I wrestled with my dilemma alone in my room. "What shall I do?"The answer caught me completely by surprise. I needed to love Rose.
Working with Rose the next morning, I ignored the hurtful remarks thrown in my direction and did things Rose’s way as much as possible. As I worked, I silently began to surround Rose with a warm blanket of love.
Over the next few days, an amazing thing began to happen. My focus shifted from what she was doing to me and I started seeing Rose as the hurting person she was. Then her icy tension began to melt away.
Throughout the rest of the summer, we had numerous opportunities to work together. Each time, she seemed truly happy to see me. Her bitterness gave way as she started opening up. As I worked with this lonely woman, I listened to her, something no one else had done. I learned that she was burdened by elderly parents who needed her care and her own health problems.
The days slipped by quickly as I finished the last several weeks of my summer job. I soon would be returning as a full-time university student and say goodbye to Rose.
1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
Paragraph 1
One day, while I was working alone in one of the hospital kitchens, Rose entered the room.
Paragraph 2
Although I never saw Rose again, I still remember her vividly.
One Possible Version:
Good evening, dear teachers and fellow students!
First of all, please allow me, on behalf of the Chinese delegation, to express our sincere gratitude for your warm welcome and hospitable reception. The beauty of your campus and
variety of school activities deeply impress us, and your warmth has made our brie stay here pleasant and memorable.
Here is a Chinese knot for you, a symbol of reunion, friendliness, peace and love in China.With this gin, we wish you greater happiness prosperity and academic progress
Finally we'd like to invite you 1o visit China sometime in the near future.
One Possible Version:
    One day. while I Mas working along in one of the hospital kitchens. Rose entered the room.Instead of her blue uniform, she was wearing street clothes I looked at her in surprise. “Aren't you working today?" “I've got another job and won't be working here any more," she said as she walked over and gave me a quick hug. "I just came to say goodbye. You are the one person I will truly miss. You are the one person I wish I could take with me." Then she turned abruptly and walked out the door
      Although I never saw Rose again, I still remember her vividly. That summer. I learned a lesson I’ve never forgotten.The world is full of people like Rose: annoying demanding,unlovable on the outside,yet hurting inside. Just as the saying goes every rose has its thorn, and every man's character has apart of you that you can't stand. I've found that a warm blanket of love is the best way to nurture a rose.