    我心中的老师是一个慈祥,美丽, 可爱的老师,她说话总是很和气,我们做错了事她会给我们讲道理。对了,我还有一个跟老师有关的故事呢!那一天,我参加学校的英语演讲比赛,可是我心里总 是很紧张。我把这件事告诉了老师,老师微笑着对我说:”别害怕,你一定会成功的!” 有了老师的鼓励,我心里轻松了许多, 到了比赛那天,我顺利地通过了比赛,还获得了一等奖,心里别提有多 高兴了。我非常感激我的老师,是她给了我信心和勇气。    The teacher in my heart is a kind, beautiful and lovely teacher. She always speaks kindly. She will tell us the truth if we do something wrong. By the way, I have a story about my teacher! That day, I took part in the school English speech contest, but I was always very nervous. I told the teacher about it. The teacher smiled and said to me, “don't be afraid, you will succeed!” With the teacher's encouragement, my heart relaxed a lot. On the day of the competition, I successfully passed the competition and won the first prize. Don't mention how happy I am. I am very grateful to my teacher. She gave me confidence and courage.    我心中的老师是伟大的,她用辛勤的劳动,换来了祖国花儿的盛开!    The teacher in my heart is great. With her hard work, she brought the flowers of the motherland
to bloom!