Once upon a time, my mother's hair began to fall frost,the face also appeared some how also wipe uneven small wrinkles,in fact,I know, my mother is not old,this year's lunar June 9 is her 38th birthday.
I've been thinking about getting mom a birthday present.
Passing by the fruit store,although it is a moment,but SOMEHOW,my heart seems to be touched by something,some days ago,and my mother to buy fruit with the situation emerged.Mother like to eat litchi,this I know,but every time my mother buy litchi,always just eat a small mouthful of it handed it to me, but they don't eat,mother,mother in the world are like this?Mom, you are so great.
Yes, greatness has not only given me life.
Mother rarely buy decorations,a head flower or other things always used when the old look not very good,or refused to throw away,and when I see these always persuade my mother, le
t her buy a new.Her father also nagging her a lot,but her mother always find a reason to refuse,and sometimes said:"When you are old,what to dress up,buy more for your children."Mom is every mother like you?Mom,you are so selfless.
Back home,mother has prepared a good meal.
I bought jewelry for my mother on the Internet,although cheap,but I slowly mind,after receiving a gift,my gift on my mother's pillow,my mother saw after TSK said:"children spend money in disorder,into what system."
In the evening,the night was quiet.We all got into bed.Mother crept in under the soft light.Her frost-colored hair floated in the night wind.My mother looked at my gift,with a happy smile on her face,and her eyes were shining with tears of pride.