Comments on this lesson
In my opinion, the lesson given by Miss Xx is quite successful. The teaching material of this lesson is……There are six main steps in this lesson……
I think the main distinguishing features of this lesson are the evident arrangement of ideas and clear purpose.
According to the newly-issued curriculum standard, the aim of core literacy in English is to foster Ss character and civic virtue. So, English teaching should focus on students language competence, cultural awareness, thinking quality and learning capacity.
From this video lesson, I can see that the teacher centered this lesson cl on the teaching aims and all the difficult and important points were especially highlighted. He tried his best to attach great importance to using specific examples and various activities to cultivate students all-round development. In general, this lesson is excellent and successful, and I want to make some comments on it from the following several aspects.
First, the teacher made full preparations for this lesson, which makes up the initial stage of the success of the class. What impressed me most is that the teacher had kept the whole reading material in his mind. Without looking at the material, he could ask the students to turn to the right page, come to the exact part and read the very sentence. Besides, he was quite familiar with the PPT, and it looked as if the PPT was always following him but not he followed them, from which I can see he made full preparations before and he is very professional.
Second, the teacher has advanced teaching concept. He avoided merely presenting the knowledge bit by bit. Instead he threw a couple of questions for students to work out the answers. By thinking independently and working together with their classmates, students can explore and inquire the unknown areas. Thus their curiosity could be fully satisfied. Although the process did not go quite smoothly, for example, the question is too difficult. No one can solve it, which obviously cast a shadow in students’ hearts. Fortunately, the teacher quickly adjusted his arrangement and split this big question into relatively smaller and easier ones. With the teacher’s guidance, students again were able to actively particip
ate in the following activities. Therefore, everyone could enjoy a happy lesson.
Third, in terms of the teaching methods, the teacher adopted the task-based reading method, also he used the question and answer method throughout this class. As we all know, these methods were quite convenient and effective both for teaching and learning. In completing each task, students were able to come closer and closer to the learning objectives, including the knowledges objectives, the skill objectives and the emotional objectives. Since the teacher knew his students very well: their cognition, their characteristics, and even their interests. The tasks he designed were rational and reasonable, some of which were tailored to students’ tastes. For example,…..
Fourth, as for the learning atmosphere, just as I have mentioned, every student enjoyed a happy and lively lesson. The teacher’s fluent oral English and great wisdom in helping students recall their old knowledge and life experience successfully build a strong link with the new words, structures and even the story theme. Thus, everything that seems new is actually not quite unfamiliar. And learning in this way is much easier and more effective. Th
ere is an old proverb going that consider the past, and you shall know the future. I think all teachers should adopt this method in their daily teaching.
Fifth, the teacher has his own personality charm. He has the ability to control his class. All the students were actively involved. Even those who were weak in English could have the courage to stand up and express their opinions willingly. That was rather amazing. Maybe it was because of his art in teaching. Every question he asked was very clear and easy to understand, so that students knew what they were required to do. In addition, he always gave students some useful words, phrases, and sentence patterns to help them to apply what they have learnt into practice. As a result, every student could say or write something according to the given samples, which will encourage them a lot.
However, every coin has two sides. There still existed some drawbacks in this lesson. And I’d also like to make some suggestions. First, more time should have been set aside for the students to have the group discussion. 英语评课稿Firstly, in the warm-up section, the film the teacher used is a little too long and somewhat irrelevant with the topic in this lesson. Alternatively th
e teacher should explain the intention why he chose this film. Secondly, throughout the teaching procedures, there is a lack of brief summary and sometimes the transition is not natural. So students were confused to follow the teachers instruction. They didnt understand why the teacher asked them to conduct such activities. They may think it was fun, just for fun? The seemingly heated discussion was just superficial and shallow. So I think when a task was finished, the teacher should give a brief summary and naturally went to the next task.
In a word, the lesson has been well prepared; the blackboard design is neat and clear. So it’s a successful lesson, which is worth learning and reference.