My grandmother is my favorite person. She is in her early seventies, with a head of gray hair. She likes leading a simple life. And she like wearing clothes which are made by herself.
假期生活英语作文My grandmother likes always wear smiles on her face. she is very kind. She gets on well with our neighbors. When they have difficulties, she is always ready to help. So she is loved and respected by all the neighbors.
My grandmother often tells me to be honest. She expects me to be useful to the people in the future. I will love her forever.
When I was a child, I was often at home alone, and I often played alone on the green grass in front of my house. Mother didn't trust me to stay at home alone, so she entrusted me to grandma's care.
Grandma was an old lady in her early 60s. She lived in a cabin with her husband. Every holiday, my active little figure always shuttles around her house. Grandma believed in Buddhism and often lit incense and chanted sutras, so the room was always filled with the smell of incense. I'm always curious about her chanting. In my vague memory, there is such a dialogue: "grandma, why are so many old ladies chanting scriptures? Will I be like you when I am old?" "Maybe. But your main task now is to study hard!" At that time, I smiled calmly and nodded vaguely. So far, I think I was too naive when I was young.
In the hot summer, having a good sleep after lunch is my favorite thing (I still have this habit so far). Grandma rocked me into the couch and put me to sleep. Although I like sleeping, children are always naughty. At this time, she will tell me all kinds of stories, and I will fall asleep in her kind eyes. When I woke up, my grandmother appeared in front of me with a cold and delicious Popsicle in her hand, which she bought with the money she used to recite scriptures for others every day.
Grandma is a kind grandma in my impression. Whenever I make a mistake, she won't directly say I'm not obedient in front of my mother and let her criticize me. Instead, she will hold me on her lap and listen to her "philosophy of life". When I was a child, I liked to listen to her stories. Every time she told them, I felt that the small space only belonged to me and grandma.
That day, I wandered by and walked into the house. Grandma, who was eating, saw me coming and asked me to sit down. Now she is the only one living in the house. Her husband and son left her one year ago.
Looking back on my childhood, nothing has changed here, but grandma is getting old.