My Winter Vacation
Winter vacation has finally arrived, and I am so excited! Unlike the hustle and bustle of school, vacation gives me time to relax and enjoy the winter weather.
One of the first things I did was to make a plan for my vacation. I wanted to make sure I balanced playtime with learning. In the mornings, I would wake up early and do my homework. Then, in the afternoons, I would play outside with my friends.
One of my favorite activities was building snowmen. The snow was so fresh and white, and it was so much fun to roll snowballs and stack them up. I even made a snowman with my little brother. We used carrots for the nose and coal for the eyes, and it looked so cute!
Another fun activity was sledding. My friends and I would go to the nearby hill and have a sledding race. It was so thrilling to speed down the hill on a sled!
Of course, I also spent some time reading books. I love reading, and there were so many good books to choose from. I read a few adventure stories that kept me on the edge of my seat.
At night, I would watch TV with my family. We would watch movies or play board games, and it was so cozy and warm in our living room.
Overall, my winter vacation was filled with fun and learning. I enjoyed spending time with my family and friends, and I look forward to the next vacation!