Life is like dumplings, time is skin, experience is filling. Ups and downs are all taste, perseverance and confidence is the dumpling skin folds, life will inevitably be hard squeeze, was boiling about, a man bites a bit, if not experienced, hard to pretend to be mature, there will always be betrayed. "This paragraph of words, is not my original, is a comment on the life of Cui Yongyuan. To my present experience is not worthy to talk about life, I want to talk about the life of each person's life is very important for four years of College life. For I stand here today to tell you the key to spend four years of university life, is drive a duck onto a perch. As I prepared my resume, I discovered that there was no such thing as a badge of honor that I would have to say. I think it was a full four years of life. In fact, looking back, if God give me a chance to come again, I think, my four years of life should also be so, because the experience of college life, the master of knowledge, I have done their own efforts. Some people say: the University of first grade often do not know their own do not know, the University in the first step into a step, know that they do not know, the University in the three grade, do not know themselves know, the university grade four know you know". In fact, since I have not been able to thoroughly understand the implied meaning, but the vague can feel a bit, is from the sky fell on the ground, from the vision of the ideal to reality. Many people do not adapt to college life, to a large extent, by the Internet or some of the magazine on the University of life novel misleading. Many writers describe the life of the university is to make fun of the tone, to the reader to describe a ideal university in his heart. By this misguided, there is an ideal picture o
f your college life before you step into a university. With this beautiful, after entering the University, a lot of people will be confused for a while, the full enjoyment of the sudden freedom and novelty. But after a day in class, after study, this passion slowly subsided, began to enter the stage of confusion, Miss high school students, Miss high school life. Most of you are in the stage of "don't know" and "know you don't know", especially the latter, which is often caused by confusion, confusion and depression. And this is also the time to grow up and down to the ground to the transition to know you know the only way. If you think there is no direction, there is no need to worry, in fact, this is normal. A lot of people in the University before the formation of such a concept, that the students in high school is the most pure, the university can not be frank with each other. I had a similar idea. In fact, the students get along with and dormitories, in fact, this concept is wrong, at least with you elbow classmate for the, with the dormitory students is not suitable for. In this age, some of the characters are mostly angular. So that one day you graduate, think back to his college classmates, you will find, in fact, now the spat is not worth mentioning. Now, I want to talk about my college life, I hope as an example, can give you a little thinking and inspiration. My freshman, like a lot of people, is in a way that has no direction. Is to go to school every day to go to school, at night to study, and sometimes on Sunday, sometimes it is to go to the study room in the classroom. Because in addition to self-study, then simply do not know what else to do. Later also often go to the library, because the library has too many resources, always feel so ma
假期生活英语作文ny books on there, do not use it, too wasted. So I'm quite familiar with the library. Also some people have not been to the library for four years, I do not know what kind of, I now have such a dormitory students. Although every day something to do, in fact, my heart is very confused, because, after all, is a university, even if I put it came as a high four, after all, after all, not a high school. High school has a college entrance examination, is always the goal, but now there is no direction. Also think college life should be colorful, rich and colorful, should not just to learn, in order to test a good result and so spent four years. So give yourself a little clear idea. Obviously, as a student, learning is the first, but not the only one. So I started to go to the students, the weather will be good to go to visit. Very clearly remember, a 10.1 holiday, has been in the classroom, to the last two days, it is not to sit, push on the car, to find a map of Wuhan, with several magazines, sitting on the lake, a book. Mood is not so depressed. Around the school, I have been to East Lake Road, almost all of a person, while in front of the map according to the road, while walking along the lake in East Lake, until a circle. If you think life is boring, it is not the University's fault, the University gave you full freedom, you want to do is to use this freedom, fully explore their own life.