大学英语作文:双休日 篇1
The benefits that the two day weekend brings to college students are too much to be listed. to begin with, it provides the students with more spare time to rest after a week's study. besides, it enables the students to have enough time to take part in various kinds of sport activities and social activities. furthermore, it gives the students adequate time to plan and prepare their life and study net week.
However, the problems that the two day weekend brings are also obvious. some students feelthat they have nothing to do but to sleep. other students indulge in such entertainments a
s watching tv,seeing films and playing video games. Still other students unwisely ehaust themselves by ecessive outdoor games, such as football, outing, etc. in conclusion, most students don't know how to make good and scientific use of the long weekend.
I think, to spend a meaningful weekend, we students should plan our leisure scientifically. it is not wise to play for two days on end, nor is it wise to rest, or study for such along time. we should bear in mind that entertainment, rest and study should alternate.
大学英语作文:双休日 篇2
The two-day weekend has brought a lot of benefits to college students. It not only offers us more time to get rid of tiredness and have a good rest, but also gives us more chances to take up some hobbies, such as fishing, reading, or gardening. From these activities we can learn many things outside the classroom, which will add to our knowledge.
Despite the convenience it brings us, the two-day weekend has also given rise to quite a few problems. The most serious one is that the weekdays are filled with more lesson, some
times too many. Because our classes are limited to Monday through Friday, we have to take more lessons each day than in the past. This leaves us little time to catch our breath during the weekdays.
In order to benefit most from the two-day weekend, I have decided to make a good plan for the two-day weekend. Of course I should take this chance to relax. But during the weekend, I will still set aside enough time to study. By doing so i can have a good time as well as make progress in my studies.
大学英语作文:双休日 篇3
Ever since the change of the two-day weekend, we college students have enjoyed it tremendously. For example, some students spend the time taking part in various social activities. Some go into middle schools to practise teaching. There’s no doubt that the two-day weekend gives us the opportunities for learning from real life as well as from textbooks.
But some students tend to idle away their time. At every weekend, they would go back home located in another city. Some haunt cinemas or go window-shopping and some just stay in bed daydreaming. In their eyes, weekend is only a time for relaxation.
As for me, I’ll not waste the two days that way. Being a law student, I’ll go into the court at the weekend and participate in conducting defense or other activities in the trying of a case. Only by practising can I be fully prepared for my future job.
大学英语作文:双休日 篇4
假期生活英语作文Whenever you get out of school on Friday afternoons, all the students are happening because the weekend is coming!
My ideal weekend is arranged: Friday night to finish the homework, and the work to the parents after the inspection and correction, and then to watch TV; Saturday morning to learn calligraphy, noon after the language, count, after review Play in the afternoon, go to school taekwondo at night. Sunday morning to learn taekwondo, noon to sleep for a while, so you can add energy, afternoon to see the book, and then go to play basketball. After the bath at night, put the bag after finishing it, we must be confessed, wholeheartedly to see extracurricular books, and probably to about 9:30 to go to sleep.
I think this weekend can play and can learn, how good! Now, I study at a weekend to read a little less time, I will do one by one in the future.
大学英语作文:双休日 篇5
Saturday, Sunday, I had intended to go out and play with pleasure. However, my mother has ordered: to finish the job to go out to play the provisions.
I paced up and down the bedroom, thinking: alas! It 's bored in my mother' s closet on Sunday. I came to the window and admired the beautiful scenery of the window.
At this time, I saw a broken line of kites, it is free to fly in the air, I envy! I thought: that kite is really free! And their own was relentless mom at home, can not go out to play a happy.
Suddenly, the wind was small, the kite gradually landed down, was a small trees grabbed.
At this time, I suddenly wake up: In fact, broken line of kite flying in the air, after all, is temporary, if there is no wind and people's help, it is not flying up. Our primary school students are not guided by the parents and teachers to fly on the blue sky? A moment of negligence, it will be like a broken line of kites to the end.